
I don't care for whom. Who voted today?
bartipero's Avatar
I did, but I find the ones with the most to lose usually don't. You can effect more policy or prevent damage to yourself than you realize when you vote and then back it up by reminding the recipients of those votes what is expected. More than anything they want their next term and the squeaky wheel gets the grease more than any lobbyist or campaign check can ever deliver--because they don't guarantee a vote for or against that person. You do.
Good night to be an American...not a bad night to be a Democrat, lol

Lots of work ahead...hopefully somehow, some way the politicans will now start being leaders, rather than politicans.

Final answers are not held exclusively by one side or the other. Effective answers will be somewhere in between.

My hope is that we can go back to fixing our concern will be politics as usual

I hope the theme song for tonight will not be Talking Heads "Same as it ever was"...but only time will tell

Final least that clown running for Mo Senate, did not win!!!!

Now back to SHBM business...did anybody see the thread I started in the Sandbox last week, LOL
KCQuestor's Avatar
I'm on the board of directors for a charity group and we had a big vote scheduled for tonight that would change our charter and decide the focus of our group for the next five years. We had a long meeting with debates and discussions before the voting at 10:00 pm tonight. At 10:30, after we had counted the ballots and celebrated getting our new charter passed by the members, one of the board members said "Hey what happened with that other election tonight?"
BigWayne's Avatar