She talks excuses and deflection, but can't name a single accomplishment.

Oh yeah, and did you know she claims they (The Clintons) were "dead broke" when they left the White House !

How quickly she forgets the $10 million advancement for the books.......
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
One of those bullets on the Tarmac must have grazed her head.
Pharmaguy729's Avatar
but, but, but, but.... she flew a lot of miles....lol... actually had a writer in NYT try to say her lack of record at State Dept. is a good thing. The way the media is falling over themselves to try to lap at her cankles is amazing. The interview with Diane Sawyer was absolutely a laugh.... hey, can I throw a few more softballs for you over a 1 hour special to promote you even though you havent entered the race yet officially so you dont have to go under FEC rules yet... Sawyer might as well have been on the Clinton Payroll and call that an infomercial.... too bad Vince the Sham Wow guy wasnt there to show how the Sham Wow can wipe up the blood of Chris Stevens