A Republican Governor Is Handed Humiliating Defeat

BigLouie's Avatar

Posted: Saturday, July 7, 2012 6:00 am | Updated: 9:51 pm, Fri Jul 6, 2012.
Haley's vetoes cut 2 S.C. agenciesAssociated Press |
COLUMBIA - South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley's budget vetoes include wiping out two agencies, the state Arts Commission and Sea Grant Consortium, in an unprecedented move that puts 38 people in limbo.
The governor's 81 vetoes, tallying $67.5 million, would also cut money for teachers' pay raises, designate less money to a Commerce fund for closing economic development deals, and cut dozens of items she calls wasteful local projects and earmarks.
That includes money for a North Myrtle Beach museum, preserving African-American history sites in Charleston, a commuter mass transit service between Camden and Columbia, prescription drugs for AIDS patients and buying land to preserve the nation's first community of freed slaves on Hilton Head Island.
"This was a disappointment. It's embarrassing for them. It's embarrassing for me, and it should be infuriating to the taxpayers," Haley said Friday, in explaining the vetoes she delivered minutes before her midnight Thursday deadline. "This is taking bacon home to their people. I know the people of this state don't want it. The people of this state want tax relief."
Senate Finance Chairman Hugh Leatherman said the term "pork project" is a misnomer. He said the projects represent investments in different parts of the state.
Haley alleged the money was doled out to senators in an effort to buy their votes to defeat her priority legislation. Leatherman called that absurd - a chuckle was his only other response. Even a key ally in the Senate said he has no evidence that happened.
Haley's vetoes remove all funding for the state Arts Commission and Sea Grant Consortium. The small agencies were slated to receive a combined $2.4 million in state money out of the Legislature's $6.7 billion budget plan. Haley wiped out federal money for the agencies, too.
While some may consider the cuts drastic, state Rep. Murrell Smith, R-Sumter, said he thought Haley used a scalpel instead of a sledgehammer when picking items to veto.
"There definitely weren't as many vetoes as we've had in past sessions. She looked at what should be priority. It was the right way for her to handle the veto pen. She didn't slash and burn when it came to earmarks," he said.
Still, Smith and state Rep. David Weeks, D-Sumter, said they'll likely vote to overturn many of the vetoes, including cuts to pay raises for state employees and teachers.
"We need to do what we can to help improve the health and wellness of those kinds of jobs, and it starts with pay raises," said Weeks.
Both Weeks and Smith also said they disagree with cutting funding to the state's Art Commission. Art and culture programs play a vital role in communities, including Sumter County, said Smith, and they need to be supported.
Comptroller General Richard Eckstrom said Friday the elimination of agencies five days into a fiscal year creates an unprecedented situation. He told their directors not to incur any more expenses, and he's seeking legal guidance on how to treat employees who did nothing wrong.
"Regardless of how worthy you think an agency is ... I don't want to see those employees left out in the cold," Eckstrom said. "I regret those two agencies were given one day to deal with this."
Haley eliminated funding for both agencies last year, too. But the Legislature overrode those vetoes before the fiscal year started. This year, legislators didn't finalize their budget plan until last Thursday. A continuing resolution Haley signed that day kept government running at 2011-12 levels while she considered her vetoes.
The new budget took effect with the delivery of her vetoes.
House Speaker Bobby Harrell is calling legislators back July 17 to consider overrides. He had planned to wait until mid-September. But Harrell said the two agencies' predicament, as well as the money for teacher raises, should have been addressed sooner.
Because the budget originates in the House, it must take up the vetoes first. The Senate is coming back July 18, said Senate President Pro Tem John Courson.
Meanwhile, the two agencies are in limbo. Even if the Legislature overrides the vetoes, it's unclear whether employees could ever get paid for the interim time, Eckstrom said.
The consortium is one of 32 such programs nationwide. It works with the state's universities to research coastal issues, with findings used by city planners on stormwater and beachfront management, conservationists, fishermen and developers, said Rick DeVoe, executive director of the 32-year-old agency. Its 20-member staff includes six temporary grant employees.
Haley said the state's colleges don't need a separate entity to pursue federal research grants.
On the Arts Commission, Haley said she would rather let taxpayers decide what charities they want to support. She said it's not a government function.
But its director, Ken May, said without a public agency focused on the arts, rural areas of the state won't have access. A major initiative is awarding grants to public schools to provide all students "a basic education in the arts," he said.
"Private resources are not equally distributed," he said.
Haley disagreed, noting the State Museum provides traveling exhibits. She referred to a photo display on her historical win as the state's first female and first minority governor.
But the exhibit is not provided for free. According to the State Museum's website, it costs $300 a month.
Haley also vetoed $10 million in one-time money allocated to school districts to help boost teachers' salaries by 2 percent. She left in place $39 million designated in recurring money, as well as budget clauses mandating that districts provide the 2 percent raises, as well as a step increase for years of experience - increases frozen during the economic downturn.
Haley called the use of one-time money for salaries irresponsible.
But advocates for public education say the veto's practical effect is that districts will either have to raise local taxes to make up the difference, dig into reserves if they can, employ fewer teachers or cut other personnel.
Item staff writer Nick McCormac contributed to this report

© 2012 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.

Posted in Ap state news, News on Saturday, July 7, 2012 6:00 am

Posted: Saturday, July 7, 2012 6:00 am | Updated: 9:51 pm, Fri Jul 6, 2012.
Haley's vetoes cut 2 S.C. agenciesAssociated Press |
COLUMBIA - South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley's budget vetoes include wiping out two agencies, the state Arts Commission and Sea Grant Consortium, in an unprecedented move that puts 38 people in limbo.
The governor's 81 vetoes, tallying $67.5 million, would also cut money for teachers' pay raises, designate less money to a Commerce fund for closing economic development deals, and cut dozens of items she calls wasteful local projects and earmarks.
That includes money for a North Myrtle Beach museum, preserving African-American history sites in Charleston, a commuter mass transit service between Camden and Columbia, prescription drugs for AIDS patients and buying land to preserve the nation's first community of freed slaves on Hilton Head Island.
"This was a disappointment. It's embarrassing for them. It's embarrassing for me, and it should be infuriating to the taxpayers," Haley said Friday, in explaining the vetoes she delivered minutes before her midnight Thursday deadline. "This is taking bacon home to their people. I know the people of this state don't want it. The people of this state want tax relief."
Senate Finance Chairman Hugh Leatherman said the term "pork project" is a misnomer. He said the projects represent investments in different parts of the state.
Haley alleged the money was doled out to senators in an effort to buy their votes to defeat her priority legislation. Leatherman called that absurd - a chuckle was his only other response. Even a key ally in the Senate said he has no evidence that happened.
Haley's vetoes remove all funding for the state Arts Commission and Sea Grant Consortium. The small agencies were slated to receive a combined $2.4 million in state money out of the Legislature's $6.7 billion budget plan. Haley wiped out federal money for the agencies, too.
While some may consider the cuts drastic, state Rep. Murrell Smith, R-Sumter, said he thought Haley used a scalpel instead of a sledgehammer when picking items to veto.
"There definitely weren't as many vetoes as we've had in past sessions. She looked at what should be priority. It was the right way for her to handle the veto pen. She didn't slash and burn when it came to earmarks," he said.
Still, Smith and state Rep. David Weeks, D-Sumter, said they'll likely vote to overturn many of the vetoes, including cuts to pay raises for state employees and teachers.
"We need to do what we can to help improve the health and wellness of those kinds of jobs, and it starts with pay raises," said Weeks.
Both Weeks and Smith also said they disagree with cutting funding to the state's Art Commission. Art and culture programs play a vital role in communities, including Sumter County, said Smith, and they need to be supported.
Comptroller General Richard Eckstrom said Friday the elimination of agencies five days into a fiscal year creates an unprecedented situation. He told their directors not to incur any more expenses, and he's seeking legal guidance on how to treat employees who did nothing wrong.
"Regardless of how worthy you think an agency is ... I don't want to see those employees left out in the cold," Eckstrom said. "I regret those two agencies were given one day to deal with this."
Haley eliminated funding for both agencies last year, too. But the Legislature overrode those vetoes before the fiscal year started. This year, legislators didn't finalize their budget plan until last Thursday. A continuing resolution Haley signed that day kept government running at 2011-12 levels while she considered her vetoes.
The new budget took effect with the delivery of her vetoes.
House Speaker Bobby Harrell is calling legislators back July 17 to consider overrides. He had planned to wait until mid-September. But Harrell said the two agencies' predicament, as well as the money for teacher raises, should have been addressed sooner.
Because the budget originates in the House, it must take up the vetoes first. The Senate is coming back July 18, said Senate President Pro Tem John Courson.
Meanwhile, the two agencies are in limbo. Even if the Legislature overrides the vetoes, it's unclear whether employees could ever get paid for the interim time, Eckstrom said.
The consortium is one of 32 such programs nationwide. It works with the state's universities to research coastal issues, with findings used by city planners on stormwater and beachfront management, conservationists, fishermen and developers, said Rick DeVoe, executive director of the 32-year-old agency. Its 20-member staff includes six temporary grant employees.
Haley said the state's colleges don't need a separate entity to pursue federal research grants.
On the Arts Commission, Haley said she would rather let taxpayers decide what charities they want to support. She said it's not a government function.
But its director, Ken May, said without a public agency focused on the arts, rural areas of the state won't have access. A major initiative is awarding grants to public schools to provide all students "a basic education in the arts," he said.
"Private resources are not equally distributed," he said.
Haley disagreed, noting the State Museum provides traveling exhibits. She referred to a photo display on her historical win as the state's first female and first minority governor.
But the exhibit is not provided for free. According to the State Museum's website, it costs $300 a month.
Haley also vetoed $10 million in one-time money allocated to school districts to help boost teachers' salaries by 2 percent. She left in place $39 million designated in recurring money, as well as budget clauses mandating that districts provide the 2 percent raises, as well as a step increase for years of experience - increases frozen during the economic downturn.
Haley called the use of one-time money for salaries irresponsible.
But advocates for public education say the veto's practical effect is that districts will either have to raise local taxes to make up the difference, dig into reserves if they can, employ fewer teachers or cut other personnel.
Item staff writer Nick McCormac contributed to this report

© 2012 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.

Posted in Ap state news, News on Saturday, July 7, 2012 6:00 am Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
Ha ha. I wouldn't want that bitch runnin my books.
Food would be a distraction.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Louise, if you're going to cut and paste do you think you can get it right. 111-5 and it was about arts.

This from the Associated Press http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/48214906...ts-commission/
Munchmasterman's Avatar
Louise, if you're going to cut and paste do you think you can get it right. 111-5 and it was about arts.

This from the Associated Press http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/48214906...ts-commission/ Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
How stupid are you anyway?
There were multiple veto overides.
And the one he posted as a 111 to 0 over-ride was exactly that.

I'm through with you. Back into your hole.
My kind of Tea Party politician ....it's what cutting spending looks like. We need more Haley types in government.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Okay Munchie, how about some statistics since you know. How many overrides were successful and how many were unsuccessful. Louise pointed out just one and I point out just one from an AP story. So you be the tie breaker, how many total and don't forget to cite.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Explain what's good about what she did cutting the program regarding domestic violence and rape?
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 07-25-2012, 02:53 PM
Explain what's good about what she did cutting the program regarding domestic violence and rape? Originally Posted by Yssup Rider

makes it harder to catch and convict republicans ...
Guest123018-4's Avatar
If you do not have the money to spend you have top cut somewhere.
States are much difrferent than the federal government in that they cnat print money to cover their debt.
the cuts will hurt across the board including special interest groups.
At some point what was the right thing to do becomes the wrong thing and it has to be stopped at some point.

See the thread about the first lady vacations and how there are those that believe that because they did it before them, they can continue doing the same wrong things. This is exactly what is wrong with this nation. How about Solyndra and the if you just give us more money......
Munchmasterman's Avatar
Okay Munchie, how about some statistics since you know. How many overrides were successful and how many were unsuccessful. Louise pointed out just one and I point out just one from an AP story. So you be the tie breaker, how many total and don't forget to cite. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Here is my call. You fucked up.

Big Louie posted a single veto over-ride vote tally and the specific item that posted tally referred to. The information he posted was correct.

You first stated that the OP was wrong. You then posted one of many correct over-rides while "thinking" it was the only over-ride.

You castigated him for………….for…………for what? It looks like rather than seeing if he was correct, you proved how unfamiliar you were with the subject matter and how lacking your research skills are. Not only did you not know there were numerous over-rides with numerous tallies, you assumed, after finding a single example of a tally that disagreed with Big Louie’s post, that he was wrong. Instead of 2 answers triggering the thought there might be more than one answer, you assumed it meant, and this is simply because you wished him to be wrong, that somehow he had screwed the pooch. No simple google check to see if he was right or why there might be more than one result. You went with emotion instead of fact.

Your lists of steps and tasks for me to perform have no bearing on the facts of this subject or the continuing errors and mistakes you make.
Since I know both posts are correct, I have already done twice the work you have.

If I were a paid instructor I would have you removed from the class. You are clearly un-teachable.
You go far beyond any value you may have as a negative example. Since I am not paid, I correct your work when it amuses me to do so, not necessarily whenever you fuck up.

Any questions?
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Munchie, you know you can blow me for all I care. Louise (our cut and paste princess) pasted ONE thing and that was all he did. HE left it hanging that that was all there was and he was wrong and misleading. I beat him at his own game by showing another (but only one) other over ride. You all had to point out that there was more than one (thus proving Louise an idiot) and you assume that I didn't read the story about all the others. Nice trap you fell into to. Of course you're standing in the pit saying you weren't fooled.

I don't understand why you object to me being a teacher. Do you feel inadequate? I have done many things from the Army, to working underground, and doing construction. I came to teaching late and you can kiss my ass. Hopefully I can find a publisher soon and then you will have something else to complain about. Your lives must be so empty.
Munchmasterman's Avatar
Munchie, you know you can blow me for all I care. Louise (our cut and paste princess) pasted ONE thing and that was all he did. HE left it hanging that that was all there was and he was wrong and misleading. I beat him at his own game by showing another (but only one) other over ride. You all had to point out that there was more than one (thus proving Louise an idiot) and you assume that I didn't read the story about all the others. Nice trap you fell into to. Of course you're standing in the pit saying you weren't fooled. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
This is pitiful. And as his world collapsed, the realization of how his last statement was a snapshot of his life in general, caused him to make his best contribution to the fiscal health of our economy and to future generations. He killed himself.

I don't understand why you object to me being a teacher .Other than the fact you claim 55% of the people who voted in the 2008 election hate America? Or the fact you arrive at conclusions using the “logic” and “facts” you just demonstrated? While those are both good reasons my main objection arises from you having access to developing minds and the inherent coercion a class taught by you has to contain causing possible long term damage and passing on the inability to learn from mistakes. I don’t care it mostly happens to kids from Kansas. They are still American kids. Do you feel inadequate? I have done many things from the Army, to working underground, and doing construction. I came to teaching late and you can kiss my ass. Hopefully I can find a publisher soon and then you will have something else to complain about. So you can add one more thing to your “have done” list? Too bad you don’t have a “have succeeded at” list. I have no clue what you can possibly know that cries out for a book to be written by you. And if you think I’m a mean bully (to use whirly’s words) wait till the publishing editors get through with your sorry ass. Your lives must be so empty. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn

You just don’t get it. You stand there with shit stains on your white pants and say “What?”
There is nothing right about your post other than the totally unintended added evidence your posted link gives to support the OP’s thread title. You said, and I quote,Louise, if you're going to cut and paste do you think you can get it right. 111-5 and it was about arts.”
I have already written you off as un-teachable and you no longer amuse me tonight.
So, fini.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 07-26-2012, 05:15 AM
Just admit when you fuc up JD, fucking up is really no big deal, lying about it is.

The looking like a liar part is a moral defect , plus you must think we are idiots to believe your lie. It was written down, it is not like you spoke it and then can say you did not say WTF you said.

I actually get along with the folks that can admit their mistakes. Those that can't, get the Summerhill treatment!