Riots, violent riots where people percieved as Trump supporters are being physically attacked and injuried. Now we have some idiots out there announcing that they believe the U.S. military should overthrow the elected leader of the country. Sedition maybe? Now we do have sedition laws on the books already. Leaders were thrown in prison, rabblerousers were thrown out of the country, and civil liberties abridged within the law. Like a US Supreme Court justice said, "these are dangerous times". Most scholars have said that Trump is entirely without his right to ban entry for a temporary or permanent time though the vast majority don't agree with it. They still say he has that right and authority. In places like Seattle, Los Angeles, and San Fransisco it is safe to run someone down as a mob, beat them, and put them in a hospital and do it all with the idea that you are on the side of the angels instead of being a fascist. I'm curious to what happens when some idiot from the MidWest or South does the same thing and a rioting thug dies or is seriously wounded. We know what the left will do. More calls for gun control and to crucify the person who protected themselves.
More importantly, the left is creating an environment where someone will think it is right to shoot the President. The left is setting up the false moral high ground that someone can delude themselves into thinking that they are a good guy. This is the most common defense of the assassin in US history; Booth, Moore, Fromme, Guitea, Czolgosz, and Byck all thought that they were righting a great wrong. They weren't seeking fame but revenge for imagined wrongs.
If something happens, how many of our lefties here will stand against the law?