Married, Single or involved?

The post about Nikki Taylor made me wonder something.

What are guys feelings about a providers status?
Do you prefer to see a single gal? what is she lives with a guy?

I had a client tell me that he had met a escort in her hotel room and there
was a guys shoes and sports gear in the room and it made him uncomfortable.
bogator's Avatar
I would rather they be single. But if they are not it is not a deal breaker
Doesn't matter to me as long as I don't have to worry about a jelous husband or boyfriend kicking down the door. Providers have the right to have a life outside the hobby. A mans cloths in a hotel room would make me think pimp and would concern me. Mens cloths at her residence means she probably has an SO.

My question is if providers have an SO, are they up front with him/her about the hobby? If so there should be no problem. If not there is always some risk of meeting him at the door. JMO
I think most providers DO tell the S.O. especially if they live together

If its just boyfriend..maybe not.
I could care less. I even bumped into a providers husband in the parking lot and we had a rocking good time for an hour. As long as the level of service is what I expect, then what do I care?
It doesn't matter to me as long as there isn't anyone beating on the door like twisted mentioned
Outdoorsman's Avatar
This may sound a little crazy but I am actually a monogamous guy. If I am involved with a woman I am monogamous and want the same from her. Not judging just stating my desires. I was married for a very long time.. over 20 years. I never cheated, not even once, had plenty of opportunities but would not cross that line, just me. I do not feel jealousy at all, but I tend to think that some things are sacred, and if I am in love than sex is one of those things, nothing wrong with swinging either just not my preference that's all.

So, that being said, yes it does bother me if the lady is involved. I do not want to disrupt something i feel is sacred - that simple.

Another example about 1 and half years ago I used to see a lady on a fairly regular basis, it seemed to me she was full of shame and guilt for participating in this hobby just for the money. Not the right kinda lady for this job IMHO. But I stopped seeing her as I did not want to be a part of something that was tearing her up inside. Sex is not that important to me, I would rather be celebate than have sex to where is causes shame or guilt for her, just me. I was not in love with her so I explained my position, she said she understood and we parted ways, I have not seen her in a session in about 18 months. Yes, we do the occasional email or txt but just friendly "hellos."

So, yea it bothers me. Even if both parties say it is okay, still does not feel right for me, just me. Nothing wrong either way just different strokes for different folks, that's all.
DallasRain's Avatar
It doesn't matter to me as long as there isn't anyone beating on the door like twisted mentioned Originally Posted by Nightwalker

Funny you said that....i have a client in Dallas that wants my SO & I to set up a scenerio where
where my SO "busts through the door about 20 minutes into my session,and then "punishes us both my client & I for the dirty deeds that we were doing} ....sounds yummmy fun huh??? lol

I think it's easier to be single if you are in this biz, but I totally get that sometimes a woman wants the comfort and containment of a lover who is there just for her. I don't think it should make a diff to the men, so long as the guy is not around.

I just traveled w/ someone for a week (enough of that!) and I made sure his stuff was out of site when my gentlemen callers came to the room. It wasn't tough to balance, as he was really cool about disappearing and not coming back til I let him know the coast was clear...but can't say it was an experience I would repeat anytime soon.
See my quote???
I am married and my clients have no problem with it. I find that I can relate to the married ones more.
I could not be in a relationship while in the hobby. To me, it would not be fair. I do miss being with a special man. But right now, I am having too much fun!
If I don't know she as an SO it's not a problem. But if he's around and involved with her business, I won't see her again.
gimme_that's Avatar
It doesn't matter to me what her status is, id just rather not see it as it kills the fantasy.

If anything if a provider was in a relationship it kinda shows some normalcy to her as opposed to the overwhelming top notch pro we dream about.....and if she's comfortable enough to discuss minute aspects of her relationship it can show me in a way that she isn't jaded to the game and men in general outside of the hobby. I have heard from providers its very easy to get jaded and not have a clear outlook on relationships when they mostly see married men.
i have a client in Dallas that wants my SO & I to set up a scenario where my SO "busts through the door about 20 minutes into my session,and then "punishes us both my client & I for the dirty deeds that we were doing} ....sounds yummmy fun huh??? lol

Originally Posted by DallasRain
Haha, I'd like to see that!
I dont know if I'd like to SEE that..but I would like to hear about it LOL