Women working their way through school


How many ladies have worked in the hobby to pay for school? Have they then continued in the hobby or quit to work in civie life? How many decided to stay with providing rather than finding a civie job?

How many ladies have worked in the hobby to pay for school? Have they then continued in the hobby or quit to work in civie life? How many decided to stay with providing rather than finding a civie job? Originally Posted by tucson
I assume the poll means all aspects go the hobby/industry...stripper, SB, being kept, provider, madam, etc...
Yes now that you have brought that to my attention. The college girl in the story is stripping to pay her way. I am curious as to whether she or the ladies that are providing will quit the hobby to use their education they worked so hard to obtain. I have met several women in the hobby that have quit providing and I suspect they will succeed in what ever they set their mind to. They are no longer on ECCIE and have disappeared.
Yes now that you have brought that to my attention. The college girl in the story is stripping to pay her way. I am curious as to whether she or the ladies that are providing will quit the hobby to use their education they worked so hard to obtain. I have met several women in the hobby that have quit providing and I suspect they will succeed in what ever they set their mind to. They are no longer on ECCIE and have disappeared. Originally Posted by tucson
I don't know about providers per se, but I had several classmates in my graduate program who had stripped in undergrad. All are now gainfully employed in our chosen field.
Alyssa XOXO's Avatar
I completed my B.A the old fashioned way (right after high school, living on campus, on scholarship) HOWEVER, divorce and children is how I found the Hobby. I've touched on all aspects as well (SD, being kept by a sponsor for a few years, etc. Never been a stripper though, too public for me) and this is why being Indie works so well for me Everyone should have an exit plan though.
Education is some thing no one can take away from you whether it be college or practical education you pick moving through life. When I search reviews and sites I search for some one that can display intelligence and a sense of humor. If she continues in the hobby does not reflect negatively on her at all. If you enjoy what you do and do it well that is your chosen place in life. I hope no one thinks bad of me asking what I have. I remember one lady that has moved on with her life. She had all of the attributes of a person that will allow her to succeed in any walk of life.
RochBob's Avatar
I don't know for sure if these Girls are "Providing" to work their way through School or just doing it for the extra spending cash. But I live in a City with several Major Colleges in it and there always seem to be College age Girls that pop up during the School Year breaks. There used to be one Provider in the State Capital that was a College student. She supposedly "Retired" and relocated to pursue her new Career after Graduating.
wcbumf's Avatar
If she really made $180,000 as she claims, she must have been doing more than stripping!
rochbob I think a bunch of us have come across women that we felt they were capable of other things beside providing. We wonder why she is not working as a model or some other career.
wcbump The figure of $180,000 was to impress the reporter I think. A woman that uses her looks to make money dancing so she can get an education is damn smart. If she is providing or a sugar baby on the side tells me she is some one that will succeed in life. Men or women with the desire to better their place in life and go to any length to do it have my respect. Hell I went into the army for my education.

I am curious about those that find the fast money will limit their life. Providing is in the most part a young woman's way of making money. Yes there are some women in the hobby older that 30 that are fantastic. I have made it a point to never ask a lady about her thoughts about her future.
Strippers, Bartenders and Waitresses always lie about how much they make. The equation is simple...take the most you've ever made in a single (lucky) night, multiply by 6 (even if you only work 4 days) and that's your "weekly income."

That means she occasionally makes $500-$600 per night. However, her average will be about half of that and she will likely only work 4 nights instead of 6.

Therefore, if we are generous and say she makes $300 a night/average, then she makes about $62k a year. If she takes no time off...which in stripperville is unusual.
I still admire her for her desire to do what she can to better her self.
I'm in school now and I will be out when I graduate.
Grace Preston's Avatar
My exit plan has always included being out before I am 40. I will graduate 6 months before my 40th birthday. And then, I'm out.