How Illegal Immigrants harm America in Ways You Never Considered

Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
It isn't just that they tend to consume more in government resources than they pay in taxes. They hurt us in other ways. As I drive through my little town most days, you see illegal immigrants mowing the lawn, most of them working hard and doing a good job.
But, they cause two bad things to happen. One, they do the job too cheap for an American to do it, so the poor, dumb bastard on the bottom of the food chain doesn't get a job, and he gets welfare, food stamps, becomes a drunk, etc.
Second of all, because all the Americans don't get off their fat asses and do the manual labor themselves, they get fat, get high blood pressure, diabetes, and clog their veins with cholesterol, driving up health care costs, and lowering productivity.
They are fucking us over in ways we never even considered until now.
Mow your own lawn? I do.
As I drive through my little town most days, you see illegal immigrants mowing the lawn, most of them working hard and doing a good job. Originally Posted by Jewish Lawyer
Despite me spending 3-5 days every week out of town (and I have been doing it for years), I have always managed to do my own yard work. I am not sure how that is possible since I do not meet JL's basic criteria of being an illegal immigrant. Perhaps JL will share some of his insight and infinite wisdom (cough, cough, spit, spit) to help resolve my legal non-immigrant, lawn care status.
You think this up all on your own? Fucking chucklehead.
jbravo_123's Avatar
I seem to recall that there was a shortage of workers a few years ago on farms out in GA, etc when harvest time came around because of all the crackdown on illegal immigrant workers.

Fruit was falling off the trees and rotting because no Americans wanted to do the jobs that illegal immigrants used to do.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
June first can't come fast enough for us to get rid of this disingenuous, homophobic (closet cocksucking) dipshit.
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
If the farmers would pay more, Americans would do the job.
Those of you who mow your own lawn - good for you and your anecdotal evidence. On the other hand, do you not see the massive numbers of yard companies employing probable immigrants?
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
June first can't come fast enough for us to get rid of this disingenuous, homophobic (closet cocksucking) dipshit. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
How can you idiot liberals remain consistent in your belief system when you insult someone with the perfectly liberal practice of homosexuality? By you insulting the practice of homosexuality, you are disavowing it.
It would be like a conservative insulting someone for practicing traditional marriage!
If the farmers would pay more, Americans would do the job.
Those of you who mow your own lawn - good for you and your anecdotal evidence. On the other hand, do you not see the massive numbers of yard companies employing probable immigrants? Originally Posted by Jewish Lawyer

Farmers pay more you pay more why do you think a lot of jobs were outsourced?
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
Farmers pay more you pay more why do you think a lot of jobs were outsourced? Originally Posted by i'va biggen
I guess that government you love so much just hasn't been enforcing the rules.
On the other hand, do you not see the massive numbers of yard companies employing probable immigrants? Originally Posted by Jewish Lawyer
Now that we have heard from Sheriff Arpaio, does any of our other Far Right Wing-Nuts care to weigh in?
Back in the Dark Ages, we mowed our own lawns, or our kids mowed our own lawns, or the entrepreneurial kid who lived down the block did it for what he considered a reasonable wage.

Then came the Minimum Wage laws, and the Nanny taxes, and the various workplace safety laws, and it became impossible to pay the kid down the street to mow the lawn without a few tons of Federal regulations crushing you and your house. That's when yard care service companies came into their own, and - GUESS WHAT - they can cut their operating costs by employing illegals.

By attempting to do good, they made matters far worse. Think of it as socialism in action.
Think of it as socialism in action. Originally Posted by Sidewinder
Thank you! The Far Right Wing-Nuts are out in force today!
I guess that government you love so much just hasn't been enforcing the rules. Originally Posted by Jewish Lawyer

Government gave tax breaks for those who outsourced jobs guess who...
jbravo_123's Avatar
If the farmers would pay more, Americans would do the job.
Those of you who mow your own lawn - good for you and your anecdotal evidence. On the other hand, do you not see the massive numbers of yard companies employing probable immigrants? Originally Posted by Jewish Lawyer
And if farmers had to pay more, then the cost for their consumer increases, causing widescale bitching. Americans hate illegal immigrants, but love the benefits from them just like we love & demand government services, but don't want to pay for it.

Back in the Dark Ages, we mowed our own lawns, or our kids mowed our own lawns, or the entrepreneurial kid who lived down the block did it for what he considered a reasonable wage.

Then came the Minimum Wage laws, and the Nanny taxes, and the various workplace safety laws, and it became impossible to pay the kid down the street to mow the lawn without a few tons of Federal regulations crushing you and your house. That's when yard care service companies came into their own, and - GUESS WHAT - they can cut their operating costs by employing illegals.

By attempting to do good, they made matters far worse. Think of it as socialism in action. Originally Posted by Sidewinder
Also in the Dark Ages, kids would be sent out to work dangerous jobs in factories that were had pretty unregulated health & safety standards.

But hey, if a kid can't at least work an hour a day per year he's lived, he's just a freeloader in training, I guess.