How to eat pussy! ...well this one anyway..

OK! So I've come across several clients who seem to be lacking n this department. And I'm sure there's some curious men and women out there who need somone to give it them straight. I know everyone's different and this may not and probably won't go for every girl for the rest of time BUT! It's what works for me! Comments are welcome! So here we go- how to eat pussy!-

Step 1- start slow. With light slow soft kisses and licks. Slow soft gentle licks. Do NOT suck on or bite my clit. In fact..don't even lick it directly. Indirect licks are best as its too sensitive and it hurts.
IMPORTANT TIP- When and if I jerk or pull away,that's because I don't like what your stop! For some reason when I start pulling away or Jerk away guys must think I'm super into it bc they start doing the thing im NOT liking times 10! And holding me down to keep torchering me!! So pay attention to my body language...if I'm moving away and trying to escape ..stop what u were doing and try somthing eles. If I'm moving into u and closer then your doin good! ALSO - please don't suck my clit like it's a's weird. So is humming...does nothing for me except help lull me to sleep faster.
Step 2- after some slow soft kitten kisses and licks and u can tell I'm into it and havnt escaped yet you should start with some listen up! No girl likes a guy to "pointer finger" them! You kno..those guys who make a straight stiff pointer finger and insert it (poke) and pull it out like they're inspecting something. Straight in and straight out. Wth. And don't do that with you tongue either! Not only does it look like your sucking dick when u do that but also ita just weird and doin nothing for! Fingering! Put your palm face up..and with 2 fingers kinda curled and make a "come here " signal with them while inside
And what I like mostly is just the in an out..just in and kinda push so there's that pressure there while your licking. I'll probably come shortly after lol.
That's crazy stuff..pretty sucking or pointer Fingerings. No tounge fucking. No humming or attempts at vibrating. Just make out with my vagina..sweet soft licks. O not lift my hood up!!! EvER!!!! I don't want my clit licked directly so just leave my hood alone please! Also one last tip guys...please don't make me feel like I'm at the's happend sooo many times that guys get down there and they poke around..spread stuff open..cock they're head to the side..poke around a lil more...GET OFF!!!! NOW!!!!!!! Lol ok that's all! Thanks!
Lol .. good message randynn!! That's some good reading. Some humor combined with some serious information!!
Gotyour6's Avatar
For the ladies.
Wash it, it smells like latex
Step 2- after some slow soft kitten kisses and licks and u can tell I'm into it and havnt escaped yet you should start with some listen up! No girl likes a guy to "pointer finger" them! You know..those guys who make a straight stiff pointer finger and insert it (poke) and pull it out like they're inspecting something. Straight in and straight out. Originally Posted by randynn

Step #1 is good but i would make sure she allows fingers or Digits in the hobby world.
U can mess up a good time with fingers.
pyramider's Avatar
It ain't eating if there is no chewing. Chewing is guaranteed to get a response.
cowboy8055's Avatar
Good info but won't likely apply to all women. You could ask 10 gals how they like daty and probably get 10 different answers.
Guest113018-1's Avatar
Good info but won't likely apply to all women. You could ask 10 gals how they like daty and probably get 10 different answers. Originally Posted by cowboy8055
True statement. I don't claim to be an expert, but I did stay in a Holiday Inn once. All we guys have to go by is past experience, what worked or didn't work in the past. If I'm down there, trying what has worked before and it's not working for you, by all means speak up. Give me guidance, teach me what works for you. Knowledge is power and you can never know too much about eating pussy.
Hooliganmike23's Avatar
Lol damn things should come with a manual. Thanks for the good info though. Very informative as to how different women can be. I totally go by body language if the woman isn't outright verbally saying what to do or not to do. In my humble and limited experience more women like their clit licked directly and with some pressure, but reading your post affirms that all women are different with different likes. Communication is the key, either verbal or body language.
Monica13's Avatar
Spot on!
Guest072118's Avatar
I tell women to grab me by the hair and use it to control the pressure and location. Instant feedback. There are women who need direct cliteral contact. Some tell me to "hit it hard" some, like you don't like direct contact. It helps to listen and watch for signs but it's so much easier if we actually talk to each other.
Now we need a discussion on bbbj. If it's dry, it hurts! That's sensitive skin there girls. Don't grab it and start jerking it off, pussys are wet for a reason.
Really good advice.. I am relatively new to this and can use all the advice I can get
pyramider's Avatar
Then chew and chew some more.
This illustrated guide "How To Eat Pussy" by Erika Moen for Oh Joy Sex Toy is so well thought out.

ben dover's Avatar
All good info, i've always tried to be super keen on getting the subtle signals from the lady. You know you've done a good job when they clamp your head with their thighs so hard ya almost see stars then push you away so hard you think she's mad at ya. .. BD