Thank You Corpus !!!!!!

Well personal concerns and my broken down car got the better of I had to leave a little earlier than I expected.

Big thanks to everyone who came to see me - and I can easily see that I could have stayed longer and I would have done just fine - So sorry to the several of you that I wasn't able to make time to see while I was here.

I will be back soon so look out for me...and every time I come I'm going to work on my Wonderful Things About CC list for all y'all who don't know the great things about your little city...I'm sure I'll find more when I'm able to prowl around on my own.

All that was wrong with my car was that a plug blew out that had bad threading...I drove all 185 miles home on three cylinders and it was fixed within 5 minutes of my wonderful mechanic looking at it. Thanks to Betsy and I won't be getting rid of her any time soon as she has treated me like a Queen.

Farewell and see you all soon!!!!
