Reviews for Hudson valley

I see a lot of Albany and more upstate reviews. I’d like for us lower guys to have a section. People from HV, comment “wassup” if you’re in HV.
Clit Eastwood's Avatar
Isn't just farms around that area?
discreteadventure's Avatar
Check out seeking. Lots of good utr near newburgh and new paltz
Dr-epg's Avatar
Not a encounter moved to correct forum
Check out seeking. Lots of good utr near newburgh and new paltz Originally Posted by discreteadventure
Seeking is $$ and time. Far fewer than you'd think.
Poughkeepsie and thereabouts we just need one or two (rare) decent choices.
discreteadventure's Avatar
Clit Eastwood's Avatar

She’s fun and open minded Originally Posted by discreteadventure
What's her asking donation and how open is her menu?
discreteadventure's Avatar

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