Asiana airline pilots names...

Heard this on the Bo & Jim show this morning:
Someone called an Oakland TV station to give them the pilots names from the crash nine days ago. The station did not do a thorough job confirming the info; instead relying on an intern from the NTSB to verify the names.

And they were:
Sum Ting Wong
Ho Lee Phuk
Wee Tu Lo

The 4th name was something like: Bang Ding Dong..I didn't get it because I was laughing so hard...
Bo played the tape of the news anchor reading the names...I damn near drove off the did she not realize WTF she was saying????
fletch's Avatar
just puts into perspective the sad state of affairs when it come to today's media, beating everyone with the headline at all costs defies simple reasoning tests - or in this case simple phonics.

have to admit sum ting wong is pretty damn funny
  • hd
  • 07-15-2013, 02:33 PM
I never got to hear the names, but I did hear about the lawsuit!

That there is classic.
fletch's Avatar
last was one was 'wi tu lo'
69 in Chinese....northern dialect....Tu Can Chu
southern dialect....Tung Chow
Southern dialect if it's really good......Tung Chow Wow!!
hawkweed's Avatar
daty/o's Avatar
Ho Lee Phuk, that too funny.

And I thought Faux News was phuk'd up.
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
How fucking stupid were those idiots who put that on the air!!!
Roguejet's Avatar
Apparently, THAT fucking stupid!
woodyjohnson's Avatar
I heard this on Stern. Someone wasn't doing their job on both ends. Phunny shit though!
Cunnilinguists's Avatar
Oakland. I am surprised the didn't use the Cumofsumyunguy.
How fucking stupid were those idiots who put that on the air!!! Originally Posted by Jewish Lawyer
Don't blame the TV anchor for this one.

The TV show called the NTSB. The NTSB *CONFIRMED* the report, INCLUDING the names. Apparently, the poor intern at NTSB didn't realize he/she'd been handed a joke release.
Don't blame the TV anchor for this one.

The TV show called the NTSB. The NTSB *CONFIRMED* the report, INCLUDING the names. Apparently, the poor intern at NTSB didn't realize he/she'd been handed a joke release. Originally Posted by Sidewinder
Three of the TV station's producers were fired, as was the NTSB intern.
Will Boner's Avatar
Just heard that Anthony Weiner's new name is Kok Pho Toe