Lawmakers are trying to pass Backpage Law

PSW1995's Avatar
I just read in the SF Chronical that lawmakers here in Austin are trying to pass the backpage law to curb "on-line" prostitition. This is just another band wagon jump on "human trafficing". So frustrating... How do I go about fighting this? I will have to out myself. Which is scary, but really, lets decriminalize or regulatw the f-ing system. This is a punch for us women who have been in the industry for years, and who have walked into this world freely.
Any thoughts fellow whores and whore lovers?
Much love,
I think there is a special place in hell for traffickers. They should be tortured until death. And those that turn a blind or engage with a girl they know/believe to be trafficked aren't much better.

Now, what is frustrating is senseless tax payer dollars being wasted, LE man power being wasted. by having to bother and arrest Independent girls that CHOOSE to be here. When they could just legalize and regulate so they could focus on catching actual bad people.

If it were legal, I definately think human trafficking would go down. Girls would no longer be afraid to have an open dialect with LE and would probably even be happy to help. I would volunteer my time in a heartbeat to save a slave of anything. I am sure the stigma would never dissapear but.... oh and nevermind all the $$ there would be to be made to further possibly help the economy.
mrhamm's Avatar
You want to search to see the status of the law here: Then you want to find out who your legislators are by performing a search here: Call them, email them, stop by on a day their staff says they will take a walk in or set an appointment, and let them know your concern.

Even if you don't get to speak to your legislator, you want to talk to their staff. Their staff tell them what their constituents or other interested parties want.
Whispers's Avatar
I think there is a special place in hell for .................... Originally Posted by Scarlett Rossi
Just curious Scarlett

Any thoughts fellow whores and whore lovers? Originally Posted by PSW1995
You raised a fuss in another thread over the use of the word whore and here you respond t a call out to "fellow whores and whore lovers" with no such disdain....

Care to comment?
PSW1995's Avatar
Whispers, as a whore I shall always use the word lovingly when it is used as a means to degrade someone, well that shit don't fly. I am a proud whore and as a foer LPIN I wear that badge proudly. Please don't try and call me out when you know nothing about me. Thank you for your input
PSW1995's Avatar
Mrhamm... Thank you very much... I will follow up and voice my concerns. :-)
Whispers's Avatar
Whispers, as a whore I shall always use the word lovingly when it is used as a means to degrade someone, well that shit don't fly. I am a proud whore and as a foer LPIN I wear that badge proudly. Please don't try and call me out when you know nothing about me. Thank you for your input Originally Posted by PSW1995

Darlin I have no issue whatsoever with you referring to yourself or others as a whore. I know plenty of ladies that have no issue with the word and use it in the same manner as you do.

I just found it a little ludicrous that Scarlett took the position she did in another thread and no such stance here regarding the word that she felt was being tossed around so carelessly.

If ladies are going to freely use it then men will use it in banter as well and lines will be crossed. You diminish the Staff's ability to reprimand for the words use as they are not going to get into analyzing what is meant in ever sentence of every post.....

Personally... I'm all for using it. Everyone around here ought to be open and honest enough about who they are, who they consort with and what this is all about to be adults when they discuss things....
Darlin I have no issue whatsoever with you referring to yourself or others as a whore. I know plenty of ladies that have no issue with the word and use it in the same manner as you do.

I just found it a little ludicrous that Scarlett took the position she did in another thread and no such stance here regarding the word that she felt was being tossed around so carelessly.

If ladies are going to freely use it then men will use it in banter as well and lines will be crossed. You diminish the Staff's ability to reprimand for the words use as they are not going to get into analyzing what is meant in ever sentence of every post.....

Personally... I'm all for using it. Everyone around here ought to be open and honest enough about who they are, who they consort with and what this is all about to be adults when they discuss things.... Originally Posted by Whispers

The difference is purity of intent. I do know who I am. I am a person who doesn't like to be demeaned.

Thank you, mrham, for the input.
Whispers's Avatar
The difference is purity of intent. I do know who I am. I am a person who doesn't like to be demeaned. Originally Posted by Scarlett Rossi
The problem in that you want the standard to be how YOU interpret someone else's intent.

I don't think the board can be policed based on your opinion of the word's use each time it is used and if ladies are going to toss it around and claim no foul then you are opening up a can of worms.
PSW1995's Avatar
I see what you are saying but can we please stick to the subject at hand? I hate it when we get derailed. This thread was about backpage, not the use of the word whore. That may be its own. Thank you all for your input.
[QUOTE=PSW1995;1052701704 How do I go about fighting this? I will have to out myself. Which is scary, but really, lets decriminalize or regulatw the f-ing system. This is a punch for us women who have been in the industry for years, and who have walked into this world freely.
Any thoughts fellow whores and whore lovers?
Much love,

As long as prostitution is a crime you are going to get very little support especially in a red state.
I suspect legislators are far more concerned about the opinions of the Christian majority than they are about a united front of a few adulterous mongers and whores.

Of course married mongers would never go public so that leaves only a handful of whores publicly complaining about not being able to break a law which has strong support in Texas.
This is a far cry from gay rights which is not a criminal activity.

BTW there is no derogatory intent behind the use of the term "Whores" so I imagine there should no problem with it's use.
PSW1995's Avatar
Thank you...
PSW1995's Avatar
True, married men will not out themselves. Hell I don't think any client would come out. And for us women to gather together and come up with a plan is conspiracy. It is just fucked all the way around. Again thanks for getting back on track.
Passion2015's Avatar
If we were in Europe where prostitution is just life and has been for many years it would be just another job however, here in the United States where prostitution is frowned upon in most states it very hard to change their minds as the lobbyist who control the politicians far out way the whores and whore lovers. It's a very fine area where you need to know when to challenge and when to observe.
By all means always remember to be a supporter of the industry and not necessarily known as a member.
Craigslist's decision to drop adult ads x years ago was pragmatic decision [coerced] by state attorneys general's threats to sue CL. Most retail ads merely shifted to BP and now it is locus of online retail prostitution. Thus it comes as little surprise that the current market leader in retail sex trade ads is being targeted.

CL could have challenged (and might have won on first amendment grounds). But it didn't. But BP's calculus will be different from CL.

Whereas CL is non profit 501c3 (that has lots of rich income and does not need the revenue), BP is a profit making corporation (owned by larger publisher) that WILL fight (using first amendment and other arguments available to it) to challenge any onerous restrictions on advertising.

Since ads show a donation, government(s) will argue that its "commercial speech" and subject to more regulation and less scrutiny.

Trees best prognostication of what lies ahead

+ Blows over as political bluster and no bill is introduced or passed
+ If passed, unlikely to survive into final bill (?)
+ If passed and made into law, BP will ask for temp injunction while it prepares suit on first amendment grounds
+ ... If it gets there, it will be VERY interesting (legally, socially and how it impacts the rest of the internet wow)
