Democrat Attempts to Pack the Court Threaten Constitutional Checks and Balances

  • oeb11
  • 07-18-2021, 10:40 AM

The U. S. Supreme Court issued two 6-3 decisions as it completed its last term, causing Democrats to renew their call for expanding the number of justices by four. Under President Biden, this would undoubtedly result in more liberal justices to uphold the agenda of the Democrat Party. The left’s court packing scheme, if successful, will weaken the constitutional system of checks and balances that preserves the American republic and protects against tyranny.
The Founding Fathers were wary of a powerful central government that would oppress and restrict the liberties of individuals. Their experience under Britain's tyranny made them determined to have a government “of the people” and not by a ruling elite.
Woven within this brilliant constitutional plan are checks that protect individuals from governmental tyranny and ensure that no branch of government can control other branches. Further, the balance of power between the federal government and the states preserves the ability of states to reflect their cultural heritage while maintaining a key part of the American republic.
Historically, these constitutional checks have worked well to protect the rights of individuals while at the same time ensuring an effective national government. Critical among such checks is the doctrine of judicial review, which allows the judiciary to declare certain enactments from the executive and legislative branches unconstitutional.

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Judicial review is not explicitly mentioned in the Constitution. Still, it has been an integral part of the republic from our early days, with the issuance of the landmark case of Marbury v. Madison.
Since these early days, the three branches of the federal government have balanced each other. The executive has the power to void legislative enactments through the veto process, and the legislature can override such veto power. If the executive and legislative branches adopt unconstitutional legislation, the judiciary has the power to void such enactments. Likewise, the other branches may void a Supreme Court decision with appropriate legislation or a constitutional amendment.
The judiciary was never intended to be a political body that passes legislation or pursues a political agenda. This is the role of the elected representatives and is the essence of a constitutional republic. When Chief Justice John Roberts was nominated to the high court, he announced his beliefs that the role of the Supreme Court was similar to the role of an umpire in baseball it calls balls and strikes as it sees them. However, it does not have a say in a particular political outcome.
It is a tragedy that in today’s political environment, the Supreme Court is viewed as a political player to achieve political outcomes. The shameful actions of the left in the confirmation hearings or Robert Bork, Clarence Thomas and Brett Kavanaugh show how determined it is to achieve its political goals through judicial edict and not through the legislative process. In today’s political environment, the left sees the judiciary as its agent to push through an agenda that can’t be achieved through the people’s elected representatives.

This is what the Democrat court packing scheme is all about. With four new liberal justices on the Supreme Court, there will be nothing to stop the far-left Democrats from achieving everything their current progressive agenda seeks. With a unified majority in both houses of Congress, all that can stop them now is the judiciary’s exercise of judicial review.

Historically, the attempt to pack the Supreme Court by President Franklin Roosevelt failed miserably. Will history repeat itself? When President Biden served in the Senate, he denounced attempts to pack and control the Supreme Court. Sadly, he has failed to do so in the current situation.
The current clamor to pack the Supreme Court to achieve a far-left progressive agenda will become even more hysterical if, as expected by some, the court upholds the constitutionality of the Mississippi law that bans abortion after 15 weeks. Such a result will mean the demise of Roe v. Wade and will bring out the left in full force to demand that the makeup of the court be changed. Be prepared for the current intense political atmosphere regarding abortion to accelerate to a fever pitch when this happens.
Our essential system of constitutional checks and balances is in jeopardy due to Democrats' attempts to pack the high court. Let us pray that our United States Senate holds its ground and refuses to do so.

Thomas Glessner, J.D., is president and founder of the National Institute of Family and Life Advocates, or NIFLA, a pro-life nonprofit that made history and headlines in the Supreme Court case NIFLA v. Becerra.

DUH! The fascist DPST party was forseen , and feared, by Founding Fathers who Wrote teh Constitution. ( I know - non-diverse group of paternalistic slave owners who were not 'woke'). Undermining the checks and balances has been a goal of fascist DPST radicals ( the entire party) to institute one party Rule since before trump - it is now allowed to come to to teh front .

Packing teh SC is exactly wht the vicious radicals will do - and they will spare no effort to institute marxist totalitarianism in america,
be careful minions - what you ask for - the DPST and leaders AOC/Bernie - have a present waiting for you - marxist slavery, poverty, hunger, and despair under their totalitarian rule .

as bernie said "Bread Lines are good"!

Trump hate and TDS has consequences!
winn dixie's Avatar
Packing the court will be done right before UN forces ARRIVE at our shores to disarm the American people!
You all have been warned!!
texassapper's Avatar
Packing the court will be done right before UN forces killed at our shores attempting to disarm the American people!
You all have been warned!! Originally Posted by winn dixie
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
FIFY. Originally Posted by texassapper

you can't call him fify! lol.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Packing the court will be done right before UN forces ARRIVE at our shores to disarm the American people!
You all have been warned!! Originally Posted by winn dixie
the UN couldn't disarm a kindergarten class. let's see what happens when you send some soy boy euros wearing their blue helmets into Chicago and Detroit. them brothers will wipe their asses off the streets. nothing they don't do to themselves every day.

then there is the redneck south. them UN soy boys will run like the punks they are when us rednecks save America.

rednecks are real Americans!!

dilbert firestorm's Avatar
the UN couldn't disarm a kindergarten class. let's see what happens when you send some soy boy euros wearing their blue helmets into Chicago and Detroit. them brothers will wipe their asses off the streets. nothing they don't do to themselves every day.

then there is the redneck south. them UN soy boys will run like the punks they are when us rednecks save America.

rednecks are real Americans!!

BAHHAHHAAAA Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
those boys in blue hard hats know how to rape.
winn dixie's Avatar
those boys in blue hard hats know how to rape. Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
lightfoot is safe from that!

Just threw up a lil
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
those boys in blue hard hats know how to rape. Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm

they don't know shit. they are pussies and they would cave in at the first sign of hard resistance which is what they'd get. they have been told America won't fight. they'll find out the hard way that's not so.
Chung Tran's Avatar
You truly believe the US is about to engage in an armed civil war, the Rednecks against the Federal Government?
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
they don't know shit. they are pussies and they would cave in at the first sign of hard resistance which is what they'd get. they have been told America won't fight. they'll find out the hard way that's not so. Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
oh I don't know. liberal females are pretty much easy pickings.

its the conservative females they'll have trouble. lol.

of course, they'll have to get past the rednecks first!
winn dixie's Avatar
Rebel Yell
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
...its the conservative females they'll have trouble. lol.... Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
The gals won't have trouble...
  • oeb11
  • 07-19-2021, 09:50 AM
You truly believe the US is about to engage in an armed civil war, the Rednecks against the Federal Government? Originally Posted by Chung Tran

Please join beta beto in his door to door campaign with John Chipman to confiscate all weapons from law-abiding Americans.

you will receive the appropriate answer.