Marion Smith: Marxist Black Lives Matter – here's why it supports Cuba's communists over the protesters

  • oeb11
  • 07-19-2021, 10:49 AM

The ongoing mass protests in Cuba are a clarifying thing – and not just about the brutal nature of that country’s communist regime. They have equally shown the true colors of Black Lives Matter in the United States.

As the past few days have demonstrated, the supposed social justice group cares far more about advancing the red banner of Marxism than protecting Black and Brown people.
The truth became clear on Thursday morning, when Black Lives Matter (BLM) released its official statement about the Cuban protests. It’s telling that it took so long for the group to issue any statement at all – the protests started Sunday, and the regime crackdown not long after. What’s more telling is what the statement said. It was full of blame for the United States, and full of praise for Cuban communism.
BLM minced no words: "The people of Cuba are being punished by the U.S. government." Apparently, through a decades-long embargo, the U.S. has "instigated suffering for the country’s 11 million people – of which 4 million are Black and Brown." The group simultaneously claimed that "Cuba has historically demonstrated solidarity with oppressed peoples of African descent."
Both claims are false – obviously so.

To start, the United States is not oppressing the Cuban people. That distinction belongs to the communist regime founded by Fidel Castro – and the U.S. embargo is a response to Cuba’s tyranny.
For more than 60 years, the country’s leaders have denied all basic freedoms, imprisoned people for their political views, and systematically pillaged the country’s wealth. And while the BLM statement claimed the U.S. is "undermining Cubans’ right to choose their own government," it is in fact the Cuban authorities that protect the communist regime at any cost – even violence toward the country’s citizens.
That’s what’s happening right now, and it directly disproves BLM’s second claim. The Cubans marching in the streets want nothing more than libertad, yet the regime’s response has been to shoot at protesters, raid homes, and kill at least one person, though my sources in Cuba tell me the true number of deaths is much higher.
And who, pray tell, are authorities punishing in this crackdown? Among others, Black and Brown Cubans. These are the very people for whom BLM claims to advocate. Yet the arbiters of racial justice can’t muster a word of criticism against the communist regime.
The question is why BLM tolerates such obvious injustice. The answer is the same ideology that animates the Cuban regime – Marxism.
Two of Black Lives Matter’s founders are trained Marxist agitators, according to one of them, and the organization itself reflects it. Its operational agenda is essentially to overthrow American society, which it deems irredeemably unjust, and build a new one in its place.
It has made perfectly clear what it wants in this brave new world: A state with the power to punish anyone it pleases, and penitents forced to publicly repent their privilege.
What is that vision, if not a Marxist state with struggle sessions? Such countries already exist, like China. Another example is the country BLM refuses to denounce: Cuba.
There’s a reason the group’s recent statement condemns the U.S. for trying to "crush [Cuba’s] Revolution." It’s the same reason one of BLM’s founders has stood side-by-side with Nicolas Maduro, the dictator who has brought Cuban-style socialism and oppression to Venezuela.
If Black Lives Matter truly cared about Black and Brown people, it would condemn the Cuban regime with same fervor it currently reserves for the United States. That it refuses to do so points to its real goal – the same goal that Marxists have sought since the Russian Revolution and in every Marxist movement since. They want nothing less than power, and they’re willing to obtain it by any means.
The proof is playing out on the streets of Havana, Santiago, Camaguey and countless other Cuban cities. In the fight to tear down the U.S., what does it matter if Black and Brown Cubans must be killed in the streets?
Josef Stalin may not have actually said "you can’t make an omelet without breaking a few eggs," but that sentiment animates the leadership of BLM. For them, the suffering of minorities on that communist island nation is not in vain, because it provides an opportunity to further undermine the locus of liberty in the world.

By backing Cuba and bashing the U.S., Black Lives Matter is standing in the way of Cuba’s liberation. So are BLM’s allies, like Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y., who make similar arguments. Their defense of the indefensible and criticism of their own free country have dangerous effects. It intimidates Americans from supporting the Cuban people and may even block the Biden administration from punishing the Cuban regime for its oppression.
Whether Black, Brown or any other color, the Cuban people deserve the libertad for which they’re chanting in the streets. The same is true for the American people, who also deserve better than dangerous hypocrisy of Black Lives Matter.

Fascist DPST supporters of OBLM marxist terrorists - facts and Truth are in front of you HERE Above!
One of these is a chick who spent several million of BLM money on 3 nice houses even though she doesn't draw a salary, right?

Audit BLM.
  • oeb11
  • 07-19-2021, 03:31 PM
Would any respectable Marxist purchase a $1.4 million dollar home, with donated money, in a fancy secluded area in Los Angeles?
Would any respectable co-founder of the Black Lives Matter group purchase a $1.4 million dollar home, with donated money, in a fancy secluded area in Los Angeles?
Would any respectable co-founder of the Black Lives Matter group purchase a $1.4 million dollar home, with donated money, in a fancy secluded area in Los Angeles which is approximately 1% black?
The answer is a big BLM YES!
It gets even better from reporting by The Daily Wire when we find out not only has Patrisse Khan-Cullors used money donated for the cause of Black Lives Matter to purchase that home in LA it is almost a complete lily-white neighborhood.
Last week, reported,
“A secluded mini-compound tucked into L.A.’s rustic and semi-remote Topanga Canyon was recently sold for a tad more than $1.4 million to a corporate entity that public records show is controlled by Patrisse Khan-Cullors, 37-year-old social justice visionary and co-founder of the galvanizing and, for some, controversial Black Lives Matter movement.”
I reported last summer that Patrisse Cullors was interviewed by a professor from Morgan State University in which she stated the following:
“Myself and Alicia (Garza) in particular are trained organizers. We are trained Marxists. We are super-versed on ideological theories.”
Does Patrisse actually know what the term Marxist means, she certainly knows what the term corrupt capitalist is because she appears to be one?
According to Your Dictionary Marxism is:
“To define Marxism in simple terms, it’s a political and economic theory where a society has no classes. Every person within the society works for a common good, and class struggle is theoretically gone.”
She definitely does not believe in a society that has no classes and has certainly seen the 1973 movie “The Sting” starring Paul Newman and Robert Redford.
The question is do all these people who are supporting BLM including all of those “brilliant” celebrities and corporations who give millions to this group know what they are supporting? Are these celebrities and corporations Marxist and socialist?
What does BLM do with all of the money donated to them? According to an article in the Daily Caller from July 2017 through June 2019 the:
“BLM Global Network spent $899,000 on travel, $1.6 million on consulting and $2.1 million on personnel costs during its 2017, 2018 and 2019 fiscal years, the financial statements show, together comprising 83.3% of its total spending during the three year period. BLM Global Network granted $328,000 to outside organizations, which include local BLM chapters, during that same time frame, a figure that represents about 6% of its total spending”
Jamil Jivani, the founder of the Policing Literacy Initiative, tweeted:

Outkick’s Jason Whitlock tweeted:
“Black Lives Matter founder buys $1.4 million home in Topanga, which has a black population of 1.4%. She’s with her people!”
This tweet has since been taken down and according to reporting in Tucker Carlson noted on his Friday show that:
“Whitlock posted on Twitter a link to the original story about the property, on the celebrity property blog The Dirt.
'He posted this on Twitter. Just made the obvious point. What? What happened? His account has been locked by Twitter,' said Carlson.
'This was a news story on real estate blog. He posted it. Lots of other people posted it. But when Jason Whitlock, who is an extremely effective voice for reason, who speaks clearly and honestly and is, therefore, a threat. They shut him down. Amazing, on many levels.' (Daily Mail)”
You should check out that article it has some other great tweets on the capitalist as she would say “pig” Ms. Cullors purchase.
The Daily Wire article also makes reference to the Fox News host Tucker Carlson’s previous interview with Jason Whitlock, where Carlson stated:
“You mentioned the BLM movement that really kind of took over a lot of the country, funded by our most powerful corporations over the summer. That is a political movement. Put it in context for us. What would you compare that to?”
Jason Whitlock, a black man, answered in the following way:
“Well, I compare Black Lives Matter to the KKK. I really do…and some people don’t understand it, but if you go back to the 1860s, after the Emancipation Proclamation, the KKK was started, and it was the enforcement arm of the Democratic Party. And what’s the enforcement arm of the Democratic Party right now? Black Lives Matter and Antifa. They will come to your home and violate your home, try to intimidate the people in your home if they disagree with you politically.”
Mr. Whitlock went on to say:
“Black Lives Matter [is] a Marxist organization…Marxism is hostile towards religion; that’s why I’m glad you went there today. These are atheist values being expressed from our leaders, demonizing individual citizens here in America, branding them as white supremacists because they decided, because we disagree with their opinion about something. This is lunacy. And it’s dangerous.”
I wonder if many of the celebrities, corporations and followers who have donated all that money and time feel suckered?
Your guess is as good as mine.
Apparently million-dollar homes in a virtually all-white neighborhood in LA Matter (MDHM). Throw in the fact that she is paying for it with other people's donated money we then get Million Dollar Homes Matter Paid For By Other People's Money or:

Read More: BLM Co-Founder Patrisse Cullors Buys $1.4 Million Home... |
er-patrisse-cullors-4-million-home/?utm_source=tsmclip&utm_medium =referral
  • oeb11
  • 07-19-2021, 03:32 PM
a comment from 1b1 and j would be appreciated!!!!
amazing how marxist ideologues turn capitalist when able to pilfer millions of dollars of donated money!
she certainly took a page from teh fiden/hunter crime cabal.

Send her to Portland or Seattle for investigation - they will give her a pass as 'karen's' who just know what is best for the Black Peoples!
rexdutchman's Avatar
you know only deflection ,,,, and hypocrisy