Sea level Changes In Ancient Times.
I was listening to a lecture series on the history of prehistoric native peoples of North America and ran across an item of information that I'd never heard before. In describing the evolution of native American life paths in the Florida area, the lecturer noted that around 3,500 BC the sea level was some 80 feet HIGHER than it is now. Florida as we know it today was indicated by the sea with much less dry land and different coastlines. He was describing how life and living patterns had changed as the sea level subsided towards the present levels. While this a pre-historic period in North America, it is within the general scope of historical times with respect to the early civilizations of the Middle East and Asia.
The current state of the world is not a static or steady state condition. As things change, we must adapt as did the peoples of the ancient world did. We can argue all we want over whether or not human civilization today is causing sea levels to go up, but the sea has risen and fallen wildly in the past without human intervention.
At the height of the last glacial period, sea levels were 400 feet LOWER than today. The Great Barrier reef of Australia would have been dry land. New Zealand today would have been the high mountains of a much larger land mass. Euro- Asia and the Americas were connected as one great land mass. Ocean currents were much different; and on and on. And amidst all that, humankind has adapted.