Encounter: Amber - worth the hype

Date: Aug 2023
Name: Amber
Phone: -
Email Address: -
URL / Website: blossom-k.com
City: -
State: -
Address: -
Activities: Everything I wanted
Hair Length and Color: -
Age: 30s
Smoking Status: I Couldn't Tell
Ethnic Background: Asian
Physical Description: Slim and sexy
Recommendation: Yes
I incorrectly entered BK url, she is at GL.
Nice review bud
She is back from vacation
She is PSE or GFE? Conflicting information out there?
2balls75's Avatar
She was total PSE with me, good review of Amber
Amber is old and her face is definitely not everyone's type.
May I suggest Glasses.com. Amber is a goodlooking lady.
Amber!!! nice review
Stressfree1's Avatar
Nice ROS sir
City_Punk77's Avatar
Man for as good as she is you cheaped out on the details.