
looking for a artist here in the city...any suggestions...
thanks nita..
irpatio's Avatar
just get me a marker with edible ink, and I'll doodle all over ya!! Of course, removal will take a while!! If you want something more permanent, I suggest White Tiger on W Ridge near the Brew Haus. T.J does great work, but they are all really good.
ohhh would my pleasure to have you doodle all over me!!!!!!
Ill check them out...I already have the particular pattern picked out..i just need them to replicate without any mistakes..or mess-ups..
offshoredrilling's Avatar
What are you getting? mmmm where? or do you not want to tell and that' would be ok.

If its words near a part. mmmm I can think of many that would be funny.

Only one I ever liked was the ankle bracelet tat. I know lame now. What can I say. Your body, make it a good pic.

mmmm John been here errrr sorry, but I do have more
offshoredrilling's Avatar
MMMMM no answer. guessing I need to get past board buddy that has talked to in person to get to a peek. And that's cool.
actually I have a 3 special patterns..and also.. I'm going with the angle bracelet...I have always wanted to do it..but never had the nerve.....I have a special branding near my wrist..kinda barbaric however i did it as a very special tribute to a loved one lost....
qixerotic's Avatar
Nita, though no experience myself, and I don't even know if he's still around, but Joe Tantalo at Physical Graffiti has some impressive skills and some serious work on his own body. Ask him to show you Vincent from Beauty and the Beast