What does......

..."Guested" means ?
pyramider's Avatar
It means they ain't posting taint photos.
Out_of_Bounds's Avatar
For whatever reason they tapped out.
It is usually a security issue. It could mean their real world info was compromised or someone from their real world found out, so guesting an account is basically damage control.
Some with a rapier wit... Just go into witness protection with it.
Pistolero's Avatar
And, as a reminder to some, ^^^^ , linking a guested handle to another handle will get you banned.
pyramider's Avatar
What? How did I overstep icky security?
And, as a reminder to some, ^^^^ , linking a guested handle to another handle will get you banned. Originally Posted by Pistolero

Who linked what?
Dorian Gray's Avatar
And, as a reminder to some, ^^^^ , linking a guested handle to another handle will get you banned. Originally Posted by Pistolero
I don't see any Guested handles or reincarnated persona's in this thread.