The Value of this Discussion Board

OK, boys and girls, we've all complained around here about lack of information, le, and the use of BP. I've just returned from Middle of Nowhere, Minnesota. If you'll take a moment to look at the MN board here on ECCIE, it's absolutely dead. Other boards are equally lame for the region. Many of the verifiable, legitimate providers are reviewed on TER in that area. You can get other advertising info from and Cityvibe, etc. etc. And BP seems to be the advertising media of choice. While visiting, it was difficult because of business schedule and location -- 60 miles from a major market to make outcall work. Information was difficult to obtain and it was through the conversation with a couple of P411 providers in the area that I was able to obtain any great information.

In the end, my hobby experience in the area was on the way to the airport and turned out to be one of the worst in my hobby years. All appeared to check out, but what was missing was the ability to determine the personality of the provider without the board banter.

So whether you're a lurker or a participant, keep the board active. It benefits all of us.

I'm arklookn and I approve this message. [Good God. I'll be glad when the elections are over. I'm overdosing on political ads!]
  • MrGiz
  • 10-21-2010, 08:59 AM
It appears to me, after seeing some of the responses to my no-whining remark in another current thread, that frank, open, and sometimes painfully apt discussion is rarely met with full appreciation by all here.

I too, am tired of all the BP crap, ad nauseum! BP is not going away.... it has become an obvious venue from which to find tasty looking, exciting, strange poon. The current situation is much like talk of Muslim Extremists in the news..... it's fairly obvious, who are making many large buildings in the Central Arkansas area useless to us.... but it's not nice (politically correct) to say where they come from!!
Fine.... Have Fun, people..... be careful of your playmates!!

When i first moved to florida..aspd was basically useless for the area especially the panhandle area.. it was the first time i really had to venture outside of aspd and utilize other popular escort boards that were more used in the area (understand NOT BP OR CL).. the "dawg" one, and many other "regional" ones were used.. I quickly understood the need for a quality board such as aspd, and while in that area the boards used were as reliable..just different..

I was always happy to tour to texas etc and be able to rely on "old faithful".. However much like for the area of florida i was in..the boards were only as good as the members made them.. some were good..some were not.. generally the ones that were not were the ones filled with back biting providers, drama, hobbyiest "trying to score some freebies" etc etc.. the ones that were good and trusted in that area were filled with hobbyiest that were there to find pussy and girls that were there to be selling it.. nothing more..nothing less.. the reviews were concise good and honest..the providers advertised, engaged in the occassional discussion, and "worked"..

my point is.. the boards any board..can be only as useful and as good as the people make it.. the info has to be trustworthy and honest, the providers have to be professional and check their drama at the door..

its funny people "bp migrate" over to boards such as this with the excuse that they are now "Moving up" they seemingly claim to have upgraded..yet some appear to only want to drag it down to bp level.. i agree.. the boards need to exist.. but only if they serve the purpose they are intended to..its up to the hobbyiest to make some of that happen..and providers as well
Let's remember that BP is only an advertising tool. It offers no exchange of ANY type of information. If someone "migrates" from BP to Eccie, or any other board, they first usually want to get business, but if they can be assimilated into the community, they may become valuable citizens.

If they are attacked, belittled, castigated or humiiated, they will assume that this board is like so many on the internet. They will either fight back or leave. That's fine if you want the community to stagnate - obviously that might benefit some people, but it won't help this community to thrive.

Go take a peak at the AR forums in another oft-cited hobby forum. You could fire a cannon off in there and never hit anyone. The last review may be a month old. Is that what we want here? I say hell, no.

There are ways to bring BP people into the community. During the "assigned reviews" project, I went back to the very first AR provider review on this board. Guess what? She came here from BP, and is still an active, valuable member today.

That being said, I agree with BB. We can either cautiously reach out to newcomers, or we can just enjoy our little cliques. Most of the folks here know how to play safe. Let's continue to do that, but not exclude legitimate new people in the hobby.

Off the soapbox. Civiilized rebuttal welcome, as long as it doesn't start with, "in the old days..."

. . . Off the soapbox. Civiilized rebuttal welcome, as long as it doesn't start with, "in the old days..."
Huck Originally Posted by urhuckleberry
My intent was not to address "the old days". They're gone. Your comments are on target.

My point was the hobby is much safer when reliable information is available and that happens when there's a community established for the exchange of info. All anyone needs to do to see a great example of "lack of information" is to read my review of Summer in the Minnesota forum.
Sooooo.... looks like bp n eccie got a few of the same things going on?
its all the same.
bigdoggie, all of them................. ect ect.
its all for the SAME EXxXchange Of Poontang Or Companionship
BB, it's so crazy that you were just in Minnesota--I was, too! From the 12th-19th, family issues.

I was thinking about throwing an ad up while I was there, but there was such a lack of community, I was concerned about legitimate references!

Our active community wasn't the only thing that made me appreciate Arkansas, though! Brrrr! Too cold for me!
...its all for the SAME EXxXchange Of Poontang Or Companionship Originally Posted by MissDreams
Funny you should mention that, Dreams. Personally I came to the board looking for companionship with an occasional game of Patty Cake...(with apologies to Jessica Rabbit)

Goods comments Mr. Mod. You are correct, BP and ECCIE serve two different, though related functions.The experience with some well known incumbents having migrated from BP with great success, and the recent exit of another shows that generalizations are just that: worthless.

That being said, I agree with BB. We can either cautiously reach out to newcomers, or we can just enjoy our little cliques. Most of the folks here know how to play safe. Let's continue to do that, but not exclude legitimate new people in the hobby.

Off the soapbox. Civiilized rebuttal welcome, as long as it doesn't start with, "in the old days..."

Huck Originally Posted by urhuckleberry
Far be it from me to worry about "cliques" since i am equally disliked by all groups..

however..I don't know as its an attempt to exclude legitimate people but rather new people making it tough on themselves to be considered legitimate by either adapting or simply refusing to take suggestions on how to be a "professional" hobbyiest/provider.

Also keep in mind that there are more than a few hobbyiest out there that have numerous reviews..5, 10, 15.. sadly though those reviews are often of the same exact girl, describing the same exact experience..which does nothing in the way of info except get the hobbyiest review count up and that provider some attention. once approach to the board that winds up watering down the info available...making both parties look sketchy.

That could possibly be why some aren't so welcomed here at times etc..i mean arkansas has always kinda been a "when in rome do as the romans".. type state.. and whether good or bad..every regional area kinda approaches the hobby and how they like their forums in that manner. KC area was very different the first time i started posting there, dallas, houston, memphis, okc, florida etc etc etc.. New people are welcomed in if they would just be more willing to bend and join in as opposed to blaze a different trail and then wonder why they are excluded so often..

However.. at this point..anyone that has tried to hobby without a board with atleast decent info on it.. will realize just what a good thing this board generally provides.. no matter what..good or is atleast available..which is better than the alternative which is the absence of info completely
Also keep in mind that there are more than a few hobbyiest out there that have numerous reviews..5, 10, 15.. sadly though those reviews are often of the same exact girl, describing the same exact experience..which does nothing in the way of info except get the hobbyiest review count up and that provider some attention. once approach to the board that winds up watering down the info available...making both parties look sketchy. Originally Posted by DeAnna Luv
I have been studying OK and AR reviews the last few days, beginning with the inception of the board... I haven't detected (yet) a hobbyist reviewing the same provider 5, 10 or 15 times. Since I am looking at every review since the AR forum was established, I think I would spot that trend.

Of course, many hobbyists, including your weary moderator, have their "favorites", so there may be duplicate reviews. However, I am up to June 2010, and so far I haven't seen any indication of abuse.

If I see any "pimping", I'll send a love note to the overzealous admirer...

Livonia reviewed Dreams about ten times.
  • sadie
  • 10-23-2010, 09:03 PM
I am baffled by the onslaught of negativity toward establishd members of the Arkansas Hobby scene. If just for a moment....let go of the immature,egotistical attitude and "listen" to them. They just "might"have something to offer. Obviously if you were not present,you do not have knowledge of the past. Acknowledgement of current issues going astray can only be identified by those that have comparision.
Sooooo.... looks like bp n eccie got a few of the same things going on?
its all the same.
bigdoggie, all of them................. ect ect.
its all for the SAME EXxXchange Of Poontang Or Companionship Originally Posted by MissDreams
In a sense, Dreams, you're right, but its not all the same. In pure advertising medium, BP and Craigslist are just that. Like any other advertising media, you have to filter out the bullshit. Just think about the soft money ads run during this political season, not by the candidates themselves but by various political action committees. There's just enough truth there to make it believeable, but for the most part both parts are spewing venom and lies.

The value of the discussion board helps filter out the scams, the stolen pictures and the girls who have been taken advantage of by the pimps, looking after their own interest rather than that of the provider. And you will have to admit, many using that media are staying at the Notels, have unkept incalls or the location is where most in the hobby don't care to venture. I realize that's a generalization and it does seem to vary from market to market.

I suppose, in the grand scheme of things its all about the search for SAFE poontang!