Why do you peruse Eccie?

SweaterPuppies's Avatar
Dear Etchy,

I've missed you all so dearly during my brief absence, I was wrongfully banned and just won my appeal, I took my case to the Supreme Court. I'm happy to see ManSlut has returned from his sabbatical, and Lucas McCain is slowly winning over my blackened heart with his sarcasm and quick wit. Apparently THN still can't be bothered to clean her bathroom or even wipe off the mirror before taking selfies. People with dirty rooms/bathrooms have dirty private parts, it's a proven fact. And Wulfie is still up to her usual antics, she's unique, I'll give her that much. Tara is still causing trouble, but she's adorable so she gets a free pass. SweetTreat is still a drama queen with cow tits. Pyramider has remained consistent, but I simply don't find his posts amusing anymore... you need new material buddy. Davidfree still offers his annoying, infinite hobby wisdom in every post. Oh and SNL9933 takes this shit way too seriously, I saw he had his travel schedule posted on his signature a while back, da fuq? I had a good laugh at that, get a life bro. And finally to my long-lost love, Surfindick, I have been missing your face, your scent, and your sweet kisses. Come back to me, I need you to mend my cold, blackened heart.

So basically, nothing has changed around here.

Now to make this hobby related, why do you fucking fucks waste so much time on this board? I need to know for research purposes, I'm compiling data here. Seriously.

Love always,
Really??? 5 star your own ThreAD? Weak
Jake B's Avatar
Boredrom. I drive a lot and this helps kill the time.
Boredrom. I drive a lot and this helps kill the time. Originally Posted by Jake B
Same here, except I don't drive much. I also don't visit this particular forum much because of useless threads like this.
Wow, WP and SP back in the same week. Should be an exciting, if brief time here.
Welcome back. I missed you. Love ya have a great weekend. Your friend always Taylor ( Truly Passion )
broes's Avatar
  • broes
  • 10-04-2014, 01:17 PM
Really??? 5 star your own ThreAD? Weak Originally Posted by mr. sixty nine
Not as bad as DavidFree. He always has one like on every post. Wonder what big dog always likes David's posts?
at times the posts, such as this one are entertaining as hell
bojulay's Avatar
I love the smell of PweaterSuppies in the morning.
SweaterPuppies's Avatar
Really??? 5 star your own ThreAD? Weak Originally Posted by mr. sixty nine
This isn't a threAD, dipshit. I'm obviously just trying to liven things up around here, but THN isn't taking the bait this time.

And broes, you're fucking out.
broes's Avatar
  • broes
  • 10-04-2014, 07:36 PM
And broes, you're fucking out. Originally Posted by SweaterPuppies
Honey, I love you. I think you're a terrific girl. But you have clothes like a fucking dickhead.
Honey, I love you. I think you're a terrific girl. But you have clothes like a fucking dickhead. Originally Posted by broes

So Broes, are you saying SweaterPuppies is really a gal? I though no one knew for sure what sex it is?
TexasCowboy's Avatar
We all need the chuckles in life, at times they are on here in abundance ......
ManSlut's Avatar
Dear SweaterPuppies,

Welcome back. Who was your lawyer, I need a good one now and then?

I am truly honored to be mentioned with the likes of - Lucious McCain, THN, Sweet.Tits, Pyramider, Davidfree, SNL9933, and Surfindick (If I left anyone out, well, it was intentional).

Regarding your question for your research project (I assume this is to complete your GED), why do I peruse or waste so much time on this board? Two reasons - 1. It's the best REALITY SHOW bar none. You simply can't make some of this shit up. 2. I love the Avatar pics of farm animals and cats with penises bigger than mine.

Is that creepy? (I think so)...I hope this helps.

My only wish is that some folks would quit thinking I am you. You are a constitutional legend and I am just a wannabe...lol

Well, ttyl, I have to go and comment to the genius in the Ebola Sandbox thread who thinks 100,000 will die locally of Ebola and ask him, "Why are you still here then and not on a mother fucking plane to Canada?"

The Passionate ManSlut - Gatekeeper for The Truth and all things SweatPuppies

Amendment, reason # 3. What else is there to do when taking a shit before the wipe stage?

Amendment II - Reason # 4. I keep hoping to see my Ex-wife on here as a Provider and I can give her a well deserved, belated, 'NO' review.
broes's Avatar
  • broes
  • 10-05-2014, 12:46 AM
So Broes, are you saying SweaterPuppies is really a gal? I though no one knew for sure what sex it is? Originally Posted by OldButStillGoing
I have no idea. I was just replying to a Kenny Powers quote with another Kenny Powers quote. The only thing I know for sure about SweaterPuppies is that SweaterPuppies likes getting banned. Makes for entertaining reading.