Just for the Staff

Notjodaddy's Avatar
Why have a "Questions for the Staff" forum when it can be used by non staff members.

I wonder who will be the first non staff member to answer.
Savannah Moon's Avatar
What does PETITE mean
Oh yeah & what is highest quality hemorrhoid cream..you know for the ones that keep reappearing and reappearing
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
The highest quality hemorrhoid cream is the same that's used to make trolls disappear.
I'm going to have to hang another punching workout bag for you aren't I?
Savannah Moon's Avatar
Yes & soon.. I've gotten a lil softer since it's been .. smashed into smithereens
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
This will be the third. Didn't you split the seems on the 1st one about crotch height?