Do guys want early bird session?

I'm a early bird myself but I was wondering if there is a need for doing early sessions. If so, how early guys?
I am with you on that question Shannon!
The earliest for me is 11am.

I have things that need to be taken care of early, then I can play.
But is there a need for early calls, such as 7,8,9am?
rocker's Avatar
I am a fan of early morning fun. Problem is
that i have to be at work really early. Would
love to have a early morning session on Sat or

Omg yes, please
Txfundude's Avatar
I have not done it but having an early session is a huge turn on for me. l would be like waking up next to special lady and taking care of the morning tent action. I would really like to have some slip into bed while I am still sleeping and wake me up in a special way. Lot's of trust needed for this one, but it would be awesome. Maybe a late night followed by an early AM. A cheap man's over night, I guess. Say 11 PM and a 7 AM or something similar.
deedeedoe62's Avatar
I sometimes desire the early sessions but a lot of the lovelies here don't want to play any earlier than 10 or 11. So my answer is a resounding YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!
VictoriaLyn's Avatar
Now that my littlest is in school this year I can be ready as early as 730am
bigmarv's Avatar
I can't explain it but my dick doesn't usually wake up until I've had my morning coffee. Which is normally around 10 AM.
I like midday to early afternoon, but sometimes I go as early as 10 a.m.
I for one have loved early mornings. but it would have to be in the morning around 6 am. Presently ive been seeing austin adorables that say 24/7 availability but I have found out that is not always so.
discreetx's Avatar
Early is the best time for me. I'm up at 5am and at work by 7am (my choice), but a little detour on the way to work would be great. I can't say how productive the rest of the day would be...probably would spend most of the day staring out the window and dreaming :-)
TopWhop's Avatar
For me 8-8:30 is very nice. Most girls dont function well in the AM's from staying up to late I guess. I could split wood with this in the AM.
I have a few friends that like to start their day off with a visit. Say 6'ish before heading to the office. Instead of a glass of wine we have coffee. Fortunately, I wake up early and in a good mood!