Weird press conference yesterday.
What I think is that the motherfucker needs to write a self help book explaining, in detail, how to snort (drug reference goes here), chase babes, work a high paying, high profile, high pressure job, ALL into your sixties without keeling over like an aging rock star. Holy bajebus.
WalkerTx's Avatar
I wonder if the same girls that were "extorting" Jerry were doing the same to Wash......
TexTushHog's Avatar
Seemed sincerely anguished. Hope he gets another job and another chance. I like him a lot.
Chung Tran's Avatar
I'm inclined to believe the rumor about sexual assault.. because if it was basic infidelity, Jon Daniel and the brass would not have needed a press conference, and Wash would not need to dance around the subject yesterday.. I suspect they expect a civil lawsuit coming.. the local Press likes Wash, so the real, whole story will be broken by TMZ or another national outlet..
Agree with Chung - this thing looks like it's about ready to explode.
Sometimes, that's the way life go.
I tend to think he had an affair with someone within the Ranger Organization; that would explain his weird departure....I doubt there is a criminal assault hanging over his head; otherwise, he would have never done that mea culpa. No good attorney would let a client do so.

I agree with TTH; Wash is a good guy and hope he finds another position in the MLB.
Chung Tran's Avatar
I tend to think he had an affair with someone within the Ranger Organization; that would explain his weird departure....I doubt there is a criminal assault hanging over his head; otherwise, he would have never done that mea culpa. No good attorney would let a client do so.
Originally Posted by Whirlaway
disagree.. given the already discussed sexual assault rumor, it's veracity makes sense.. no, there is no CRIMINAL case hanging.. too much to prove, unless caught on camera..CIVIL case? absolutely plausible.. Wash said nothing remotely about what he may or may not have done, so no worries for a future court case..
planojim's Avatar
He didn't have to give that news conference at all! His 'supposed' reason for resignation was a personal issue and it was none of our business. It's almost like his wife wanted him to do the news conference just to punish him for his 'indiscretion'.
One other reason is the fact that maybe he was being blackmailed for his 'indiscretion'. (probably one reason why his lawyers were probably there at the news conference)
Either's just too 'fishy' a story and there's probably an alternative reason for the news conference.
Generic White Guy's Avatar
If it were sexual assault, I think the Rangers would have got out in front of that to distance themselves from the issue...

With the time that passed since his resignation, I would think the woman has received a cash settlement and signed an iron clad Non-Disclosure Agreement...
pyramider's Avatar
They did distance themselves ... he resigned.
TXHUNTER66's Avatar
He will be Managing the Astros next year.
Do believe there is more to the story than whats being said.
General Feuerbacher's Avatar
Seems fishy to me. I say drugs
TexTushHog's Avatar
They did distance themselves ... he resigned. Originally Posted by pyramider
But they strongly implied that they tried to get him to just take a leave of absence. They would not have done that in the event of a sexual assault of an employee.