The 5 most common types of stalker

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1) The ‘Rejected’ stalker

80% of victims know their stalker and the most common is the ‘ex-intimate - rejected’ stalker. These perpetrators have been in a previous relationship – usually controlling and abusive in nature – with the victim. On separation they either want to reconcile, exact revenge - or a fluctuating mixture of both. Threats such as ‘if I can’t have you no-one will’ may be made prior to assaultive behaviours. The 'rejected' stalking cases are more likely to escalate to violence and research shows that one in two who make a threat, will act on it.

2) The ‘Love Obsessional’ stalker

These stalkers are also relatively common and tend to be a casual acquaintance or isolated ‘loner’. They desire a relationship with the victim and persist in their quest despite, or oblivious to, the victim’s reactions.

3) The ‘Grudge’ stalker

These stalkers are also relatively common and can overlap with the ‘rejected’. They tend to have a non-intimate relationship with the victim, for example a co-worker, neighbour, or employer. They believe they have been a victim of an injustice and are motivated by retribution.

4) The 'Erotomanic'

This type of stalker is relatively rare, often mentally ill and believes the victim is in love with them. A challenge of managing these cases is the lack of motivation for treatment. They do not see themselves as ill but blessed by a romantic personality, although they convince themselves it is blighted by the slow response of their target, or interference by others

5) The 'Predator' (Rapists)

They stalk in preparation for a sexual assault, Information gathering often occurs, too.

Note: Restraining orders are counterproductive for many stalking victims and should not raise expectations of protection, or a resolution of stalking.
Better Call Saul got u in your feelings huh?
Sistine Chapel's Avatar
Therapy for when the shooting range just aint gonna cut it. ;-)
TryWeakly's Avatar
Nice threAD !
eccieuser9500's Avatar
I might have to use a candle as a night light. In case my power is mysteriously cut off.

"I won't be IGNORED Dan."

Nice threAD ! Originally Posted by TryWeakly
AD? My first thought was "this is not gonna go well."
CurvyKatie's Avatar

Originally Posted by eccieuser9500

Efrederick411 is somewhere jamming to this.
eccieuser9500's Avatar
Ha! Good one. Some people know when to stop. Others need a candle to help them see.

Sorry I missed my chance with you.

"This forum requires that you wait 420 seconds between posts. Please try again in 207 seconds."

This is the second time I've had to wait "4 20" seconds to post up. He/She works in mysterious ways.
Sistine Chapel's Avatar
I might have to use a candle as a night light. In case my power is mysteriously cut off.

"I won't be IGNORED Dan."

AD? My first thought was "this is not gonna go well." Originally Posted by eccieuser9500

pretty good..but I'm good... fuck lights I sleep with my .40 cal..Between watching re-runs of First 48, Forensic Files, and the Lifetime Movie Network of crazy surburban women I'm paranoid as fuck. lol
eccieuser9500's Avatar
pretty good..but I'm good... fuck lights I sleep with my .40 cal..Between watching re-runs of First 48, Forensic Files, and the Lifetime Movie Network of crazy surburban women I'm paranoid as fuck. lol Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel

I think I'm starting to get your sense of humor.
oilfieldscum's Avatar
Me thincks the OP just might fit category #1.

Fell in love with a hooker, wrote a bunch of over the top reviews of her and then had to make a new handle after she kicked him to the curb.
Sistine Chapel's Avatar
Me thincks the OP just might fit category #1.

Fell in love with a hooker, wrote a bunch of over the top reviews of her and then had to make a new handle after she kicked him to the curb. Originally Posted by oilfieldscum
In this fantasy of yours lets be clear...No one has ever kicked SC to the curb..not ever..not on this board or the RW.... ok Mythos / YM...or is it DG? ;-)
Alyssa XOXO's Avatar
In this fantasy of yours lets be clear...No one has ever kicked SC to the curb..not ever..not on this board or the RW.... ok Mythos / YM...or is it DG? ;-) Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel
Dayum babe, another one on your Dick? Sounds to me like You have a Stalker... Puppets Believe Everything They Hear... luv it

Interesting thread, tty2morrow
Old fake "NBA" BSC outting hookers? Lol
I guess our fat eccie bigots ain't cashing those social security checks fast enough
A girl gotta eat

TryWeakly's Avatar

AD? My first thought was "this is not gonna go well." Originally Posted by eccieuser9500
HomoTheClown needs view counts, too... I guess