Less Than 3 Percent Will Shut Down The Entire Government?????

So, if about $80 Billion or so will just about shut everything down as the Panderer in Chief says, where is other "gazzillion" or so dollars that it takes to run the Government every day going to be spent on?

Come on............
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Reminds me of the mind of a teenager. They get a boo boo taking out the trash and suddenly they can't go to school because of the pain. Drama queens with our money (not Google's or Facebook's)
And the $80 billion doesn't happen overnight; but gets phased in...
Yssup Rider's Avatar
OK? So why all the furor?
Ask Obama............
the furor is because obama is using the prospect of a cut in the increase of government as a tool and the msm is his willing hand maiden.

of course it would be nice to have a considered and rational approach to cutting government spending, but obama will not cut government spending

i think the sequester is the best america can get out of this grievance monger
Obama is using freak out government to advocate for higher taxes........his war on the middle class is unyielding..........
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Notice how everythime Whirlyturd reads another blog post, his terminology changes?

keep clicking dipshit. Eventually you're going to find something more first amendment tolerant...

LMAO @ the REAL dipshit of the year.
joe bloe's Avatar
The amazing thing is that our taxes go up and down and we adjust our spending accordingly. As the taxes continue to increase in the coming years, the American people will downsize their lifestyles to adjust to less disposable income. Can someone tell me why the goverment can't do the same thing. The proposed sequester cuts amount to 2.4%. Is there anyone who couldn't easily cut that much from their personal budget overnight?

We have entire federal agencies that didn't even exist thirty years ago; now we're told not only can we not get rid of them, we can't even downsize them. This is madness.
I B Hankering's Avatar
Coburn to White House: With cuts on way, why a 100-city spending tour?
February 22, 2013

“If Washington is truly cutting spending on missions many consider vital, how can we at the same time promise and promote more financial assistance, much less afford this mammoth 100 city cross country tour?” wrote Coburn. “While well intentioned, I urge you to cancel the 100 city government spending tour.”


See also @: http://www.eccie.net/showpost.php?p=...2&postcount=34
Chica Chaser's Avatar
"The Sky is Falling"

I love to watch the shoe now on the other foot LOL!
Our IT budget gets cut every year. These are real cuts, not 3% reduction of next years COLA budget. Managers who don't adjust are shown the door. Those Federal department heads and their middle managers who are on TV and radio publicly hitting the panic button need to be let go. This includes our nation's CEO.
TexTushHog's Avatar
Probably depends on the department. Lots of the government is running on a shoestring. And the cuts are, thank goodness, concentrated in just a few areas. Medicare, Medicaid, and Social Security are carved out. So the cuts are more like 8% to the agencies that are being cut. I'm sure with the huge funding, that's no big deal at the Pentagon. But air traffic control doesn't have extra controllers. Their guys are already working overtime. So some of it isn't big. Other parts are.
Chica Chaser's Avatar
Looks like lots of people will just have to tighten their belts, pay cuts being the primary way. Just like many people have done the past few years in the real world.
I B Hankering's Avatar
Probably depends on the department. Lots of the government is running on a shoestring. And the cuts are, thank goodness, concentrated in just a few areas. Medicare, Medicaid, and Social Security are carved out. So the cuts are more like 8% to the agencies that are being cut. I'm sure with the huge funding, that's no big deal at the Pentagon. But air traffic control doesn't have extra controllers. Their guys are already working overtime. So some of it isn't big. Other parts are. Originally Posted by TexTushHog
