Unknown Calls Help

Getting some threatening calls-voice mails from "Unknown Caller." Does anyone know how to trace the call to see who the caller is? Not about blocking the caller. Need to figure out who it is. Att iphone. No retribution sought. Just more of a WTF who are you? Thanks

ps can an unknown call even be traced other than like LE, FBI, NSA, CIA, DPD, Massad or interpol?
I used to used trapcall when I actually gave a fuck who was contacting me with their issues.

My best advice would be to ignore them and not even acknowledge you understood what was said. It's no fun if you don't play along.
Google voice.. Get a hobby number.. Anything but use your real number or email to correspond.. Not hard to block unwanted people from contacting you.

Good luck.
Call Liam Neeson
pmdelites's Avatar
ftandgo4, hobby phone or real world phone?
regardless, ignore them.
or call them back, mess w/ their minds or string them along, then ignore them.
Call me babe.