Trafficking another group now?

PrairieFires's Avatar
A long time ago far far away I had a boss tell me that when I was in a certain OH city I should go to a certain address for an Asian massage. I did and enjoyed it, so I made time in my schedule to visit that place whenever I was in town. Over time I discovered the rotating ladies were essentially bonded servants, tied to their employers for everything. One afternoon the mama-san came in after my session to introduce me to what looked like an 11YO girl that would "take care of me next time I visited because I was such a kind and clean customer." I thanked both of them, and totally freaked out as I walked back to my car. I never went back. I have never used that type of service again.

Since then I have been blessed by being able to become friends with some of the most beautiful ladies in the Western Hemisphere during my Hobby life, I tend to see regulars and a few of those relationships span decades. This week I was browsing STG and came across an ad for a very pretty lady with dark hair and a great smile calling herself a sexy latina and I was interested until I got to the bottom of the ad and saw the fine print that they are an agency Blah Blah Blah.

It bothers my soul to think bastards are now trafficking another race of young ladies in the US.

I have visions of cartel thugs handing young ladies off at stash houses. Real low life stuff. Sad, very sad. Just felt the need to say it.
TailHooked's Avatar
Sad to say it has been going on for thousands of years. Read about the Zwi Midgal. What they were able to do from the 1860'-1930's.