Hot n Ready Forum ???? Anyone ??

Guest 101012's Avatar
What do you guys and Ladies ~ think of the idea of a forum of Ladies with time and men ready to spend.....some time I think it would be a huge benefit for BOTH ...A place to connect...w/o the when do you have time ? Because the answers NOW..... Win, win! I say...what do you think ?
Well, how about a shameless plug for ECCIE's chat forum? I've been noticing that the number of KC folks showing up in chat has been slowly but steadily increasing. The TX folks use the forums all the time to find out who is available at any given moment. I am enjoying popping in there more and more often myself. Guys, gals, you can pop in there as easily as make a post to see who is around at any given time.
kcpumper's Avatar
That's a great idea Mary Jane! I like Stacy's suggestion too . . I've been popping into chat and rarely see any KC gals there. I use yahoo chat frequently when I'm ready to pull the trigger and looking for available girls. Beats phone tag and burning up what little play time I'm able to cut out of my day.
Redwolf's Avatar
You don't have to start a new forum to do this. An alternative could be begun at any time. Simply start a new thread (this one?) and invite people to post to it when they have time/are interested in a date.
Well, how about a shameless plug for ECCIE's chat forum? ... I am enjoying popping in there more and more often myself. Originally Posted by SinsOfTheFlesh
Stacy sees me in there from time to time, as well! I agree, more KC and less Texas!
I use yahoo chat frequently when I'm ready to pull the trigger and looking for available girls. Originally Posted by kcpumper
Seriously? Do tell...! Where you finding these Yahoo ladies, pumper??? Inquisitive minds wanna know!
KCQuestor's Avatar
I agree that a HotnReady forum would be awesome, but I do understand that it isn't strictly necessary.

As Redwolf says, a thread would suffice, although there would have to be a limited amount of "banter" posts. One girl posts "I am available tonight" and 10 guys respond with "I wish I could" or "Too late for me" or "Next time, maybe"

The chat room would be cool, but it is so overwhelmingly Texas that it is hard to separate the KC folks. If only you all had the foresight to put "KC" in your names!

But in any event, I would LOVE for there to be some thread, forum, or room where the ladies or the guys could post that they were looking for something NOW. I can't remember the last time I was able to plan a date a week or even a few days in advance. My last 5 dates have been same day (usually same hour).
Guest 101012's Avatar
ss4699's Avatar
I have not seen the chat here but most php chat rooms allow seperation - that is seperate rooms. Some allow uses to create a disussion room and some just have several rooms available. Will take a look real quick.

Chat here is the pits!
I created a room on a free board, if anyone wants to try it out. Simple registration and no cost. So that would be option 1.
A thread here or ISO section. I would suggest 2 threads. One for guys searching for the ladies to check and a second for ladies to post they are specifically are available. BOth would need a time frame and I would suggest for safety reasons, no responses should show. That would be for safety purposes! Could be one thread of one for each day - the moderator may have a preference or prefer it not be done - will need to find that one out first.

golfnfool58's Avatar
That's a great idea Mary Jane! I like Stacy's suggestion too . . I've been popping into chat and rarely see any KC gals there. I use yahoo chat frequently when I'm ready to pull the trigger and looking for available girls. Beats phone tag and burning up what little play time I'm able to cut out of my day. Originally Posted by kcpumper
I would agree, as most times I can't plan ahead.
Right now I am a little cold and looking for something new, but feeling pretty picky too. A hot and ready forum probably wouldnt help much and the chat has no kc girls in it so poor little me has nothing to warm up too

That said, I am not a planner for when I really want to see someone so these sorts of things would normally help me out.
Hey all....i usually work my regular job all day tuesday, but just so happens i only work a half day tomorrow!
that leaves 2 openings 12:45 and 2pm. My showcase is up and i would love to meet some great new guys....first one to pm me gets penciled into the schedule....
sorry so last minute...but hey, spontanaity is fun huh?
I'm available early all week if any providers are open?
Hey Angel... I'd appreciate it if you looked at the provider advertising guidelines. Making "ThreAds" aren't against the rules but, I'm not going to make this thread a place for people to make shout outs for their availability. You have a showcase for that, use it... you have the ability to post ads in the provider areas too... use it.
ok sorry....thought this was a place to say last minute openings cancellations etc...will move it to the other place
The real Mary Jane here... Busty's idea would work and all but in my opinion it would complicate things & make it easier for infiltration. Phone conversation is more personal and helps you get a "feel" for who's coming to see you.