Pelosi using Capitol Police as her own personal Gestapo

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Congressman Troy Nehls:

On November 20th, 2021, Capitol Police entered my office without my knowledge and photographed confidential legislative products protected by the Speech and Debate clause enshrined in the Constitution, Article 1 Section 6. Two days later on Monday November 22, 2021 (Thanksgiving week), three intelligence officers attempted to enter my office while the House was in recess. Upon discovering a member of my staff, special agents dressed like construction workers began to question him as to the contents of a photograph taken illegally two days earlier.

Capitol Police never informed myself or senior level staff of their investigation and the reasons are clear. They had no authority to photograph my office, let alone investigate myself or members of my staff.

So, why is the Capitol Police Leadership maliciously investigating me in an attempt to destroy me and my character? Maybe it is because I have been a vocal critic of Speaker Pelosi, the January 6th Cmte and Capitol Police leadership about their handling of January 6th, the death of Ashli Babbitt and the subsequent SHAM investigation.
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Inspector General Opens Investigation Into U.S. Capitol Police Following Allegations Of Spying On Members Of Congress, Staff
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Rep. Jody Hice:

Welcome to Speaker Pelosi's House, where Capitol Police spy on Members of Congress, staffers, and constituents.

Imagine the outrage if this was happening to Dems in a GOP Majority!

This is totally unacceptable and sets a dangerous precedent that should concern all Americans.
... Oh, the Places the Investigations WILL Go.
Next Year.

#### Salty
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Indeed Salty, indeed.
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Pelosi's goons caught red handed spying on a GOP Congressman. They are making it worse by trying to cover it up with lies - like saying the door was wide open. Nope.

From Congressman Troy Nehls:

This is the exact door Capitol Police claims their officer found “wide open” on that Saturday. The door automatically closes. See for yourself.

How could this door be found wide open?