Advice please...

Last week I had some down time. One of those things where you have plans and the people whom you're supposed to be meeting are running half an hour behind schedule. Now, in most cases, when it's just ten or fifteen minutes behind, I'll just wait. However, thirty minutes? That's when the thought comes to mind: there's an adult novelty store only five minutes or so away.

I find myself in the store and the lady is very helpful. I am asking her about weighted balls for kegel exercises. She first recommends these huge balls to me, they're nearly the size of a damned golf ball. I tell her I have those and had to force them in and using them felt like they were stretching me out. She then turns to these other weighted balls, and she proceeds to tell me how these are the smallest and heaviest, and hard to keep in. Great! I like a challenge. I'll take them.

That was last week.

Today, I have this thought of putting them in during the Chiefs game. I thought it would be a fun thing to do, something no one would know about, walking around with these balls inside of me. I put them in and watch the game. The game comes and goes, and then about 4:00 PM, I decide its time to take them out. I reach my finger in and it's so far in that I can barely reach the first one. I finally am able to pull it out. That's great, but I can't reach the other one. It's currently a little after 7:00 PM, and it's still in there. Hard to keep in? I can't get the damn thing out.

I tried jumping but it isn't moving. I can barely feel it with the tip of my finger nail when my middle finger is all the way in and I've tried different positions, thinking this position compared to that position might allow my finger in a little further.

Try walking around awhile don't sit down. Then after you walked awhile squat down, stick your fingers in there and they should be more reachable.
Have a long spoon? lol I have a telescoping magnet, but it might be stainless steel and that alloy usually doesn't stick to a magnet. If you need help I am sure guys will all line up to try to play doctor. But really if it becomes a big issue go to the ER, I am sure they have seen much odder stuff. If it is stainless and was sterilized it probably wont be an issue and will fall out sometime while you are walking around walmart or somewhere. Just deny it came from you.
I have long fingers and am gentle My fingernails are trimmed too.
WhiteGentleman's Avatar
No advice to give, sorry. Good luck though. I thought those things come with strings to pull them out.
Misawahawk's Avatar
Walk or stand up and let gravity do it's work. Have a friend try and get it while you are standing. You could go to an urgent care or ER- they've seen far worse I'm sure.
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
Avoiding the witty responses that come to mind, a few ideas:
First, Destiny is correct, walking works. I know gals, have had marks on my arm that needed bandages from helping gals walk, used to pull folks out of auto wrecks, etc.
Any distilled water around? Maybe a gallon at the all night Walmart. A good rinse to loosen up, and then walk around a bit, then another rinse, repeat.
Do you have any muscle relaxer type items, alcohol or other stuff? Ingest, and after effective, have you heard this before? Walk around.
Although basic squatting would probably work, try bracing your back against a wall, bend knees and lower a bit and think relax. For a true deep internal relax, you need the wall for the support, cause a true relax will have you fall over, and you may not be able to get that relaxed in a squat.
If you can do this in a shower even better, as you can add a rinse.
Going after it with another object? Not a good idea unless you have a friend with interesting tools, as you’ll probably just push it further in.
Punchline: Ultimate relax, and wet, seriously, you’re not going to be able to relax if you remain concerned, and there’s really nothing to be concerned about. More ideas, but if mentioned, the guys would keep this going forever with obtuse commentary, so ask privately if you wish.
Or watch the sports news on how the cheifs lost, sad that they threw the game away.
Go to the drugstore and buy a Fleets Enema. Obviously normally used for bowel prep, but has the same effect on contracting quickly.
Did you get it out yet?

I've had this happen to me once, it's gonna be okay.
I agree with the squatting but not the exercise squatting position.

Squat like this ^^ relax, breathe deeply & pretend you gonna take a BM. Then it will pop out.
Ya maybe along with something else. lol.
MOCHAakaMOCHA's Avatar
If it doesn't hurt you uh try getting lubricated (via a few orgasms) and bear down try to push/finger them out then....or just use regular lube.
Helicopter206's Avatar
Warm bath relax, but do the rinse or enema wash first, 2 times.
I bet those ball's will never be used again.
Did you get it out yet?

I've had this happen to me once, it's gonna be okay.
I agree with the squatting but not the exercise squatting position.

Squat like this ^^ relax, breathe deeply & pretend you gonna take a BM. Then it will pop out. Originally Posted by LeilaniBebe
lol yes that squat! its hard to describe glad you posted a pic lol
Thank you SO so much for all the help! Walked around a lot and with the squatting was able to get it out of there. I have a feeling any more balls put in there will require some sort of string attached or something.
Lol, good idea. I'd take them back to the shop and tell them they are defective.