What About China???

RochBob's Avatar
I was watching the News Program that deals with issues taking place in the Pacific Rim area on the World Channel on the over the air HD channel from my local PBS station (its scary how the most informative programs regarding the actual events taking place around the World are on Public Television). And it referenced some trade talks that would be taking place this Week between China and the US. This got me to thinking about how China as the largest Nation in the World with the largest standing Army. Seems to be very absent from the various Crisis taking place around the World both Militarily and by way of Humanitarian Aid. Granted China is still a fairly isolationist Country (despite the fact that they will actively take your Jobs, Sell you products formerly made in your Country & buy your Debt). But it just struck me as odd that given the level of Economic involvement they have in the Middle East and Africa. Why they wouldn't have an interest in assisting in stabilizing and securing those areas? Or assisting another Country during a large scale Natural Disaster?

I mean the Chinese Army could have matched every Man, Woman and Child in Iraq & Afganistan without batting an eye (and probably will if they decide they need the oil & can't Trade for it). Or are they just smart enough to keep their nose out of other Countries affairs unless it directly effects them? And perhaps we should be taking a lesson from this? And start concentrating on our own needs & keeping our people and hard earned Money at Home? I know that it sounds Isolationist and that we are now in a "World Economy". But I'm sure the folks that had their homes wiped out by the Tornados earlier this Year in the Mid West would have loved to have the National Guard units deployed to the Mid East show up to help them instead and some of that wasted Rebuilding Money in Iraq available for low interest Government Sponsored Loans to rebuild their homes & businesses.
Why they wouldn't have an interest in assisting in stabilizing and securing those areas? Or assisting another Country during a large scale Natural Disaster? Originally Posted by RochBob
Because they want the US spend and borrow themselves to death trying to be the world's policeman and savior.
A large land army is obsolete. It is as useful as swords and shields. China is behind on its force projection abilities. For example, the weak link on its ability to take Taiwan is its amphibious assault craft. It is rapidly closing this gap, but then will have a very short window to use it. Unfavorable demographics - upside down population pyramid - will mean a shrinking labor force and higher and higher spending on the elderly amidst a shrinking economy in a generation. The threat is if they feel that they are in a use or lose it scenario coupled with optimism of victory.
RochBob's Avatar
I'm not going to get into a debate regarding China's Military Tactics and Capabilities. Some of the "Tactics" they are already actively using against the US and other Countries has already been reported on this Week by the Major Media. My issue is that with all that goes on in the World (Armed conflict, Famine, Natural Disasters, etc.). Not one time do you hear of China stepping up to help anyone else in the World at all. Even if its taking place right next door to them.
China does not have to do a thing. Just sit back and watch us destroy ourselves.
boardman's Avatar
DC will become concerned with China once it becomes a crisis that DC can take advantage of. Right now they don't have a clue how to make that happen.
gladius82's Avatar
Canute I disagree....
A large land army can be and is still very effective force.....especially in asymmetric warfare. China's army is currently estimated to be around 2.2 million...Russia is currently estimated to be 2.3 million. As of yesterday our defenseless secretary and clueless commander in chief are drawing down our army to a targeted level of around 440,000.


They my not have as many amphibious assault vehicles but there are other ways to take Taiwan if they really wanted to...even with the current capabilities