I Can't Find My Beautiful Self!!

Hello, I have tried time and time again to find my PICTURE in the Dallas Showcase. I have posted at least 8 times and I'm not even on the third page. I always see the same girls on the first page. How are they getting there? Am I posting myself in the wrong area? How will anyone see me if they can't SEE me? Lot's Of Love!! Glad To Be Aboard!! Nina Rae
Adonis's Avatar
They're alphabetical and symbols/numbers come before letters.
If you browse All Locations, you are found on page 12, soon to be page thirteen as more providers add their showcases.

Nina Rae's Showcase currently on page 12

If you browse the Metro location where you provide, Louisiana - New Orleans then you are on the first page, along with the rest of your fellow providers. All of you ladies are on page 1.

Nina Rae's Profile on page 1 in the Louisiana-New Orleans Metro location
If you browse All Locations, you are found on page 12, soon to be page thirteen as more providers add their showcases.

Nina Rae's Showcase currently on page 12

If you browse the Metro location where you provide, Louisiana - New Orleans then you are on the first page, along with the rest of your fellow providers. All of you ladies are on page 1.

Nina Rae's Profile on page 1 in the Louisiana-New Orleans Metro location Originally Posted by Matador
Nope. The profile/showcase you refer to is mine. SHE is is Dallas. This is why I requested that you not use the same name. Confusion ensues.
Nope. The profile/showcase you refer to is mine. SHE is is Dallas. This is why I requested that you not use the same name. Confusion ensues. Originally Posted by Anina Rae
Let me see if I can follow this,
  • You are the first one to register the handle Nina Rae back in January of this year.You are based out of Louisiana.
  • A second provider, the original poster of this thread, liked the same name and decided to use it despite the risk for mistaken identity. To be able to register the same name, she decides to drop the space between Nina and Rae effectively becoming NinaRae. Her registration date is not even a month old. She is based out of Dallas, Texas and uses her full board handle with the space, so she is Nina Rae for all practical purposes.
  • Confusion starts to affect each other and you send a message to the second lady, asking her not to use the same board handle.
  • NinaRae, sans pace, starts this thread to figure out how to change her handle, per your request, while at the same time bumping herself up to the front pages of the search results.
  • NinaRae, sans space, taking the answers here post this thread: Name Changes where she is instructed by Torito to send her request to the Dallas staff dallas@eccie.net.
  • Apparently she followed the directions and sent her request as instructed. She liked the name well enough that she decided to ad an A at the beginning to bump herself to the front page and still keep most of her original name, as in AninaRae, again sans space.
  • An ECCIE admin or mod, depending on their permissions, went ahead and granted the request. The only issue is that the member of Staff edited the wrong board handle, once again making you a victim of mistaken identity. So you are now Anina Rae with a space without you having had anything to do with this whole mess.
  • Did I miss anything?

I am curious if Nina Rae is the name of a character that I am unaware of. I think it is a bit strange for a second provider to like the same name so much that she will affect her own business as well as the other's just so that she can use the same name. Maybe is just a guy's logic and if so I apologize.

Hello, I have tried time and time again to find my PICTURE in the Dallas Showcase. I have posted at least 8 times and I'm not even on the third page. I always see the same girls on the first page. How are they getting there? Am I posting myself in the wrong area? How will anyone see me if they can't SEE me? Lot's Of Love!! Glad To Be Aboard!! Nina Rae Originally Posted by NinaRae
Matador: Yep, yep, and yep. Everything you listed in your all-inclusive break down is, in fact, correct. And to answer your question, no...I am aware of no "character" of the same name. This name was chosen for me by my HDH agency back in (or around) 2001 based on my actual RL name and likeness to the younger Nina Simone. I have no idea where the other lady ("NinaRae") got it or why one would use it "sans space" after seeing that WITH the space it was unavailable.

In the end, yes, its created quite a bit of confusion. I even have men from Dallas asking me why I didn't tell them I offered special rates to my site members or that I was from New Orleans. I've had to reply to their messages and tell them they have me confused with her. Its been an absolute mess! Then to add insult to injury, MY handle was changed instead!
Torito's Avatar
An error was made with two handles different only by a space. I believe it has been corrected.
