First and foremost, now is not the time to be putting forth any plans to deal with the deficit. Budget appropriations is the proper time and place to be doing this, not when America is on the verge of defaulting on it's debts. Congress holds the purse strings, not the President. Second, none of the GOP "plans" will (a). keep us from loosing our AAA credit rating, and (b). will do NOTHING to lower our National debt, not even by one single penny. Fourth, the first Boehner plan was nothing more than a ruse, an effort to prevent the Bush tax cuts from expiring in 2013 without a 2/3rds super-majority vote. The other two plans put forth are nothing more than an effort to destroy our economy in hopes of preventing Obama from being elected. Mainly because they know they can't beat him at the polls in a legitimate campaign.
Our system is not broken. It's simply been overrun with math-challenged extemists. The deficit/debt problem can and will only be solved by increased revenue, PERIOD. The system will run it's due course as you will see next year as many of the folks who voted in these Tea Bagger tax dodging unpatriotic extemists will finally start to come to their senses and realize what a horrible mistake they made. We will all of course be paying billions of dollars in higher interest and taxes and will continue to increase our National debt as a cost for that mistake over the next few decades, but ultimately we get the government we deserve.
Originally Posted by F-Sharp
As I pointed out in my post, BOTH parties are to blame. Your arguments are stale and typical. The old line that Obama "inherited" this mess doesn't wash anymore. No one told him to get us involved in Libya. How many millions has that cost us? No one told him to increase spending.
Yes the system IS broken. Over 60 years ago a Democrat introduced Social Security. For the last 30 years the Government has taken money out of MY paycheck under the guise that it would supplement my retirement. Now they want to say "Ooops" no more money, sorry, and label Social Security an "entitlement". It's not an "entitlement" if I paid for it. That's robbery, plain and simple. Let's see, which Political Party took Social Security from the Independent “Trust Fund” and put it into the General Fund so that Congress could spend it? The Democratically Controlled Congress at the time.
Which Political Party eliminated the income tax Deduction for Social Security (FICA) withholding? Again, the Democrats.
Which Political Party started taxing Social Security annuities? Answer: The Democratic Party, with Albert Arnold Gore, Jr. (Al Gore) casting the “tie-breaking” deciding vote.
Which Political Party decided to start giving Annuity payments to immigrants?
Answer: President Jimmy Carter, Democrat.
Immigrants moved into this country, and at age 65, began to receive Social Security payments! The Democratic Party gave these payments to them, even though they never paid a dime into it!
You tell me the system's not broken? Take a long look around my friend.
Anytime you want to debate the state of our military, our education system (Try watching the documentary "Waiting on Superman" to see what teachers unions have done to our education system), and let's not even get started on the mortgage crisis that helped lead to the economical disaster. Who's bright idea was it to push forth high risk mortgages on low income families that couldn't afford them? Bill Clinton ring a bell?
So please you can take that nonsense about how it's "tea baggers" fault somewhere else.
It certainly wasn't tea party members that were in bed with Fanny Mae and Freddy Mac. No, it was people like Democrat Barney Frank and his kind.
America will learn the hard way the way Europe is starting to learn slowly but surely. When you try to appease all, when a country stands for nothing, then it will fall for anything. And we ARE heading for a fall my friend.