Are PIMPS allowed access?

I was just wondering because Monkey Paw is a known pimp, has been for the past year...but yet he is here on our board. What kind of policy do we have on Eccie to keep use safe from Pimps and/or agents?
ElisabethWhispers's Avatar

I'm just going to speak as a woman just as yourself and not as a moderator or making any type of statement with regard to ECCIE's policies.

You're asking a completely unanswerable question. Who are we to judge or even be the hobby police in any way? Who would that job fall to if there was a policy to not allow a certain sector of "this" in our midst?

Would we include boyfriends who are supported by their stripper girlfriends or other sex worker types? What would we do with the women? And the change within the dynamics of these type of relationships are ever changing.

You KNOW this.

So as one woman to another, let's think about your question. One just cannot sanction, on a public board, the private actions of an individual. It's not "policable" (if that is even a word) and even if it were, I wouldn't wish to be associated with a board that would do it.

In life, and with all things, judgments are a narrow slippery slope. And one that I don't believe either of us wish to become involved with in regard to this issue.

Hope my very personal philosophy on this matter helps.

Yes, thank you EW, you did talk a lot of sense...

Is there a way, like horndogs do, to give them a title such as 'Agent'?
RichDaddyDFW's Avatar
Do women really need pimps on this site? I am looking for someone with out that kind of attachment.
Guest032213-02's Avatar
I have seen policings and bannings of people on this board and others. Do the bannings only happen because of the action within the board, or can they be hobby wide?
burkalini's Avatar
I personally think pimps do nothing but drive up the cost of service. I won't listen to any advice that one gives. However with that said it is America so let the fool talk.