Younger Women older Guys

Saw the thread on older women with younger men> How about the reverse, older men and younger women. My experience is to stay above 30 years of age. Yes I am older (60's) and that may be it. Younger than 30 just go through the motions and do not always seem engaged. I have tried being very honest about age up front and occasionally find an engaging younger beauty, but the odds are slim. Yes going younger is trying to re live your youth, but a robot does not do it! Once in a blue moon you see a young lady that wants to learn and gain experience, but that is usually just a come on.
Looking for suggestions on better screening or hear from the young ladies how they feel about deal with older men dates..
Solemate62's Avatar
I will be 72 in December and try to do a session once a month at least. I surely am fully functional and the only thing that keeps me from doing it more often is the budget. I personally feel more 'comfortable'with women 35 and up (obviously still a lot younger than I am). This does not address your question but it is my POV, for whatever it may be worth!
Wow! I'm impressed! I'm 10 years younger than you and feeling the ravages of time but I hope 10 years from now I'm still seeing one of these fine ladies once a month. As for age, I've seen ladies from 20 to 53. Good things to be said about all age groups. Just chose your playmates wisely.
alexissweet69's Avatar
I Love older gentlemen! They know how to treat a lady, and their experience in bed is a plus!
terrier16973479's Avatar
I am an older gentleman who loves younger (than me) women who love older gentlemen!
But seriously, I prefer women in their sexual prime, 30's to 40's, their experience, willingness to experiment, and libido are superior, in my opinion. No offense intended, younger ladies. The beauty, energy and enthusiasm of you younger ladies is mind-blowing, energizingand a nice confidence booster.
Alexisweet69 - I know how to treat a lady, and I've spent a lot of time in bed!
Sometimes, I even actually sleep!
Solemate62's Avatar
I Love older gentlemen! They know how to treat a lady, and their experience in bed is a plus! Originally Posted by alexissweet69
Bingo! We have a winner!!
I am 48 and hobby once per week. Although I am younger than you guys, I too have found that Playmates between 35-50 to be the most fun. At that age, it appears to me that it is more about the experience then the $ for them. They have really learned what their bodies like and enjoy the physical experience. I don't know? Maybe they have just mastered the art of IOP at that age verses the younger once who's IOP you can tell is fake?

So to me it is not a 60/30 or a 70/35 thing. To me it is that we simply enjoy a mature beautiful woman who enjoys a connection with us! Currently, my 3 favorite Playmates that are regulars are all 3 currently 45+ years in age. I have found 2 Playmates in Dallas that are 55+ that peak my interest as well. I haven't met them yet but plan to in 2017.

Now, let me get off my phone. I have a 7am wakeup session with a 48 yr old goddess this morning!
holmes50's Avatar
I am 61 but physically look nowhere near my age. Prefer a provider who is a little older versus a little younger. For the most part under 25 does not appeal to me. However from time to time, I like to represent the 60 somethings and put it on the young ones every now and then.

Sometimes an attitude adjustment is in order from your elder.
My preference is enjoying the company of a man who is approximately 15+ years older than me. I'm looking forward to whatever life holds for me during my 30's. Still, I do feel like I have a well developed connection with my body as well as my desires. And far from being robotic, I'm highly passionate, engaged, and attentive. Surely there are other babes in their 20's who aren't just disinterested during an encounter and waiting for it to be over.
Gotyour6's Avatar
Been with a girl for almost five years now.
Met her when she was 18 and we have no issues.

I wouldn't do it again though.
Maybe min 26

I am 48
cowboy8055's Avatar
I prefer gals in their 30's and 40's. They generally make better GFE's. As I have gotten older I've bumped up the age. Can't do the 18-21 thing. That's out of my comfort zone.
I'm 58 going on 35. I'm most interested in girls 20 to 25 years younger. Under 30 they would need to demonstrate maturity. Over 35 they will need to be fit and possess something that is enticing to me. There are ladies on either side of that range that I've been with or desire to be with, but the majority that interest me fall into that age range.
SaltyDog71's Avatar
Middle 40's crowd here, I still like the 20 year old's, but have no issue with any girl up to just a couple years older than me. The sugar baby I have now is only 25, and we do great together.
okiegirllover's Avatar
I think 30 and up...maybe 35 and up seems to be what I'm really interested in...I think it is the ability of those ladies to stimulate the big sex organ between your ears is what I love. Not that a young woman can't, but it seems that the 35+ understand what makes a man tick and what a man wants from the time together.
MOCHAakaMOCHA's Avatar
Saw the thread on older women with younger men> How about the reverse, older men and younger women. My experience is to stay above 30 years of age. Yes I am older (60's) and that may be it. Younger than 30 just go through the motions and do not always seem engaged. I have tried being very honest about age up front and occasionally find an engaging younger beauty, but the odds are slim. Yes going younger is trying to re live your youth, but a robot does not do it! Once in a blue moon you see a young lady that wants to learn and gain experience, but that is usually just a come on.
Looking for suggestions on better screening or hear from the young ladies how they feel about deal with older men dates.. Originally Posted by sexsenior
I'm a pretty experienced younger woman lol but ... I've always had a "mature" soul. I'm looking forward to the experiences I'll gather in hopefully the next 60-70 yrs I have left (I'm 26) .
I'm pretty comfortable and always have been with older men but that's because I'm extremely comfortable with myself.
You're never too old to have good fun...too old for me is dead . I've had no problem engaging or connecting with a man in his 60's, 70's or 80's.
I think I'm pretty bad-ass now .... I can't wait for my 30's, 40's and beyond! Watch out! lol
I'm not caught up in any hang-ups about age (interestingly enough sometimes I notice that SOME folks much older than I am kind of are).
I get asked the "i'm an older guy is that an issue?" question a lot .... the answer is NO not unless you make it one .