scheduling in advance

ToRussiaWithLove's Avatar

I'm curious to hear as many opinions as possible with respect to your preferences regarding advanced scheduling. In my experience in the past, anything beyond 24-48 hours is generally not very reliable, and more often than not, I have had to make last second adjustments, go to Plan B, etc.

I'm sure that there are travelers and sporadic hobbyists whom occasionally need to plan out their fun somewhat in advance. I, for example, would like to nail something down for the end of the month, but is that too far out in advance for most of the providers? I know that you are all balancing real life with providing, so things are often difficult to predict.

For those of you who prefer days or weeks of advanced notice, I'd love to hear from you. I'd also like to canvas the general population for their preferences.

Thanks, and have fun

I prefer pre booking it helps me plan out the time as long as confirmation is done the day week before and the day before and the day of long as we are both on the same page everything will plan out great

best of luck
Safire Sweet
Red_Headed_Julie's Avatar
I too prefer to have appointments pre-booked. I have had clients schedule up to a month in advance and it has worked out well for us
MarieLynn of DFW's Avatar
I actually love and recommend pre-booked dates, and as far in advance as possible. I've had several clients over the past few years book as far in advance as 2-3 months. All I ask is that you keep me updated as far as your travels go, (and if transportation is needed to and fro the airport, if you're from out-of-town), and of course, the hotel you'll be staying for your trip to the Dallas-Fort Worth area. Of course, sending me a quick email to say 'Howdy' is always nice. This has worked out quite well for the gentleman and I.


I prefer minimum 24 hours and my "comfort zone" is between 2 to 7 days in advance, but I too have dates scheduled 2 or 3 months in advance.

Dates that far out (months) I generally do one e-mail per week just to be sure everything is still a go, and then a few e-mails back and forth starting two days before. Even if we have just set the actual day and then a general timeframe it is WAY better to get it booked sooner than later. If you know you want to see me after your 7pm flight, hotel check in and shower, but of course you don't know exactly how long all of that is going to take it is still more convenient for me to know I will be seeing you "sometime after 7pm" on that certain date so I can plan ahead. Just as long as you don't back out last minute it's all good.
Since I hobby infrequently I generally plan 3-6 weeks ahead of time with ladies that I trust and who are dependable. Right now thinking about business trip to Florida in December which will be a 3 night trip. Anybody interested?
Lana Warren's Avatar
I LOVE planning my dates in advance! Gives me more time to get to know my date beforehand! Plus, I love to flirt!
Great topic,, moving to Co-Ed for more exposure
TexRich's Avatar
Since I hobby infrequently I generally plan 3-6 weeks ahead of time with ladies that I trust and who are dependable. Right now thinking about business trip to Florida in December which will be a 3 night trip. Anybody interested? Originally Posted by oleguy

I am pretty sure he was asking for ladies. I am more interested in reading about the ladies myself.
berkleigh's Avatar
I have been requiring PRE-BOOKING ADVANCE NOTICE for 2 years now.

Especially because I travel and have school and have a family.

I prefer to plan and schedule my week.

I decline and turn down a lot of business because some cant comply.
GenesisNicole's Avatar
I'm with the majority on this topic...

Pre booked dates rock as they help me plan my schedule. Most of my suitors plan weeks to min. a month in advanced.

Even had one gent plan our date 4months in advanced. It was fun flirting and getting to know each other thru emails leading up to the date.

I actually have to turn down a lot of day time appointments, as well as "are you available right now." types.
I don't sit around at an incall - and even getting to an incall right now, takes over half an hour just for drive time (and I also have to check with another provider to even see if it's available for me to use). not to mention if I have to wash and blowdry all this dang hair, shave my super long legs - and other areas - which I have to not rush or things could be cancelled due to a slip of hand, ouch...- find my clothes, after I decide what to wear, put on make up - yes, i'm guilty of doing it in the car to try and save time - and hopefully I don't have to stop and get gas as well.

Whew! That's a lot to do there all at once.

So, knowing in advance makes things run much smoother. (I can shave in the morning, when I get up....and wash hair. that will be out of the way way before it gets close to crunch time.) set clothes out when I'm doing laundry...make sure I have myself put together properly, and even arrange appointments with other clients - when they have given a time frame of the days they will be in town - I can let them know for sure what day I can't see them, which is GOOD for you, in case you are only here one night.

You know what? This probably explains why I run late though - I always forget something on my way out the door, or get caught in the middle of what I'm doing - being pulled another direction to handle something else. It's like Murphy's Law.

Advance always helps me. I appreciate it.
Red Tex's Avatar
That is why I loved Private Connection! You could go online, get an idea of who was availible, then make the call. Rarely was the schedule wrong. Sometimes I had to delay my fun by a few hours or a lady was willing to work late.

I can't schedule in advance, I get horney and want pussy then.
24 hours is my minimum, because I'll have probably made other plans (either this or "real life") if you ask later than that. And if we haven't met before, screening takes time and is often out of my hands, contingent on how fast your references get back to me.

Ideal I'd say is a week or two in advance, but like a lot of other ladies who replied I'm happy to schedule further out than that. But I do so with an understanding that either his or my plans might change, and try to keep in periodic contact to reassure us both that we're still on as planned.

For those like Red Tex who can't/prefer not to schedule in advance, I'd recommend getting "pre-screened" by several ladies who welcome short-notice dates. It might not be as reliable as a good agency like PC was (why are the good ones so rare? ), but it may help cut down on the frustration.