A hairy vagina or wiener is unsanitary and will always have a foul odor. Its scientifically proven. The good news is there is a solution!

If you don't manscape or womenscape you really need to show some respect to your partner.

A bunch of pubic hair is pretty gross and totally unsanitary. It makes cleaning yourself impossible. Especially in the summer.

That said, I do understand the main reason people don't scape and are content with having a smelly hairy vigina or wiener.

Its not just from being lazy. Its impossible for a fat ass to groom those areas and keep them from stinking.

Ladies, what you need to do is offer a different kind of session. At least once a week you must get a client to scape your bush. Not only will you make more money by providing this session, you will also be much cleaner and odor free.

You also must buy some salon quality clippers and fix your trick. A unscaped wiener is dirty and unsanitary. It will leave a residual smell and bacteria and passing it on to your next client is uncool.

Just trust me.
pittlicker's Avatar
More fake news!
ben dover's Avatar
Soap and water works good, try it sometime.
MarcellusWalluz's Avatar
I've munched on plenty of furry beavers over the years & never encountered a foul odor.
Ripmany's Avatar
Soap and water works good, try it sometime. Originally Posted by ben dover
I clean with head and shoulders then come it out. Smell good.
Pangolier's Avatar
You already lost with the title of this thread. Hair does not grow on the vagina.... hair grows on the outer labia. Nice going...
Poor attempt at trolling lol!
However, I am halfway through my laser hair removal. Will be posting the process on my OF account
Good to see both Goat Boy and Rip banned (again). Such ridiculous comments all the time.