Trans-Gender Donuts? ; A conspiracy Theory.

ICU 812's Avatar
I have noticed that there are "Pop-Tarts" but no "Mom-Tarts".

I blame it on the Pastryarchy.
winn dixie's Avatar
Trans-Gender Donuts- ones with sprinkles?
Suzanna Turner's Avatar
With or without holes? Long Johns? With or without the creams?
Maybe the round donuts without a hole is the male to female?
And the long Johns without the cream is the female to male?
Perhaps long Janes?
Hmmm... may be on to something.
winn dixie's Avatar
With or without holes? Long Johns? With or without the creams?
Maybe the round donuts without a hole is the male to female?
And the long Johns without the cream is the female to male?
Perhaps long Janes?
Hmmm... may be on to something. Originally Posted by Suzanna Turner
Ma'am get your mind out the gutter. lol
Maybe a donut fetish ma'am? lol

Gave the posts a likes
Suzanna Turner's Avatar
Damn, now I'm hungry for some donuts!

ICU 812's Avatar
In my mind, there are only donuts and Napoleons (get it?)