Obama to Propose New Tax on Poor and Middle Class

CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Watch for this one; it's a mileage tax to replace the gas tax. Yes, we have been such obedient and green patsies, the gas tax just isn't cutting it anymore. Now who will a mileage tax hurt the most? You guessed it, the poor and middle class. Isn't anyone here getting tired of Obama's lies?

From the article:

An on-again, off-again move by the Obama administration to scrap the federal gas tax in favor of a pay-per-mile fee would boost the tab to Americans as high as 250 percent, raising their current tax of 18.4 cents a gallon to as high as 46 cents, according to a new government study.

But without a tax increase, said the Government Accountability Office study, the government's highway fund is going to go dry. One reason the fund is going broke: President Obama's push for fuel efficient cars has resulted in better mileage, and fewer stops at the pump.

The GAO study is just the latest review of federal spending that paints a grim picture of the nation's infrastructure. Just keeping spending at current levels, the GAO said, would require a near doubling of the gas tax to 32 cents a gallon, and that would jump to as high as 46 cents should the federal government add spending to fix crumbling infrastructure and build new roads.

The average driver pays about $96 a year in federal gas taxes, said GAO. Should the administration seek to raise the highway trust fund from $34 billion to the $78 billion needed to fix and maintain roads, that could rise to $248. Translated into a pay-per-mile plan, drivers would face a tax of 2.2 cents per mile compared to the 0.9 cents they pay now. Trucks would pay far more. (OP Note: That will cause prices to rise on the things we buy most often. Another "hidden" tax!)

"We modeled the average mileage fee rates that would be needed for passenger vehicles and commercial trucks to meet three illustrative Highway Trust Fund revenue targets ranging from about $34 billion to $78.4 billion per year. To meet these targets, a driver of a passenger vehicle with average fuel efficiency would pay from $108 to $248 per year in mileage fees compared to the $96 they currently pay annually in federal gasoline tax," said GAO.

The administration floated that plan in the first term, but scrapped it when it was met with public outrage. However, several states and some in Congress are now eyeing the plan, keeping it alive as a federal option.

Here's the article: http://washingtonexaminer.com/new-pa...4#.UPSsjCfC0TB
Guest123018-4's Avatar
It would be interesting to know the plan for documenting the mileage.
Sounds like there could be a big opportunity for the Marxists to gather a lot more information about your travels. In addition, a lot more government employees and cost for enforcement.
You silly dipshit any tax hurts the poor and middle class more.The rich can afford it.Jeesh
Obama on a 60-minute interview:
"Taxes are lower on families than they've been probably in the last 50 years. So I haven't raised taxes. I've cut taxes for middle-class families by an average of $3,600 for a typical family."
Link, or is this another of your delusions?
This has been floating around for several years, States like Texas that use the States portion of the tax for road construction and repair have seen a sharp drop off in revenues in the past decade because of more fuel efficient cars.

Roads and Bridges still have to be maintained, the money has to come from somewhere.

Now What ?

Link, or is this another of your delusions? Originally Posted by i'va biggen
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 01-15-2013, 11:24 AM
Watch for this one; it's a mileage tax to replace the gas tax. Yes, we have been such obedient and green patsies, the gas tax just isn't cutting it anymore. Now who will a mileage tax hurt the most? You guessed it, the poor and middle class. Isn't anyone here getting tired of Obama's lies?

From the article:

An on-again, off-again move by the Obama administration to scrap the federal gas tax in favor of a pay-per-mile fee would boost the tab to Americans as high as 250 percent, raising their current tax of 18.4 cents a gallon to as high as 46 cents, according to a new government study.

But without a tax increase, said the Government Accountability Office study, the government's highway fund is going to go dry. One reason the fund is going broke: President Obama's push for fuel efficient cars has resulted in better mileage, and fewer stops at the pump.

The GAO study is just the latest review of federal spending that paints a grim picture of the nation's infrastructure. Just keeping spending at current levels, the GAO said, would require a near doubling of the gas tax to 32 cents a gallon, and that would jump to as high as 46 cents should the federal government add spending to fix crumbling infrastructure and build new roads.

The average driver pays about $96 a year in federal gas taxes, said GAO. Should the administration seek to raise the highway trust fund from $34 billion to the $78 billion needed to fix and maintain roads, that could rise to $248. Translated into a pay-per-mile plan, drivers would face a tax of 2.2 cents per mile compared to the 0.9 cents they pay now. Trucks would pay far more. (OP Note: That will cause prices to rise on the things we buy most often. Another "hidden" tax!)

"We modeled the average mileage fee rates that would be needed for passenger vehicles and commercial trucks to meet three illustrative Highway Trust Fund revenue targets ranging from about $34 billion to $78.4 billion per year. To meet these targets, a driver of a passenger vehicle with average fuel efficiency would pay from $108 to $248 per year in mileage fees compared to the $96 they currently pay annually in federal gasoline tax," said GAO.

The administration floated that plan in the first term, but scrapped it when it was met with public outrage. However, several states and some in Congress are now eyeing the plan, keeping it alive as a federal option.

Here's the article: http://washingtonexaminer.com/new-pa...4#.UPSsjCfC0TB Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
However, several states and some in Congress are now eyeing the plan, keeping it alive as a federal option..

antoher whining rant about something that hasnt happened ... boo hoo

"several states" ... isnt that exactly what you support? putting power back in the states hands?

be honest, you have no idea what you suport do you?
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CuteOldGuy's Avatar
However, several states and some in Congress are now eyeing the plan, keeping it alive as a federal option..

antoher whining rant about something that hasnt happened ... boo hoo

"several states" ... isnt that exactly what you support? putting power back in the states hands?

be honest, you have no idea what you suport do you? Originally Posted by CJ7
Idiot. It is stop some something before it starts, than to try to end it once it is too late.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 01-15-2013, 02:16 PM
Idiot. It is stop some something before it starts, than to try to end it once it is too late. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy

and youre the grammar cop?

are you going to address my China.Jeep question or ignore it ?
CuteOldGuy's Avatar

Idiot, it is easier to stop something before it starts, that to try to end it once it is too late.

Better now?
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 01-15-2013, 03:35 PM

Idiot, it is easier to stop something before it starts, that to try to end it once it is too late.

Better now? Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy

not really ...

Now What ? Originally Posted by Whirlaway

Presidents cannot raise or lower taxes it comes through congress.If it is lowered they take credit for it like Bush and then Obie when they let them stand.Kinda like he can't outlaw assault weapons it must come through congress.
Doove's Avatar
  • Doove
  • 01-15-2013, 05:21 PM
The administration floated that plan in the first term, but scrapped it when it was met with public outrage. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
One little sentence blows your entire premise out of the water.

Actually, i think that one sentence effectively makes your premise a lie.