US Not Such A Good Investment Anymore

CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Well, President Obama continues to lead us into the quagmire of financial collapse, and the world is noticing. From the article in Financial Times:

The market had hoped for a “Grand Bargain”. Instead, it got a small, ultimately insufficient fiscal deal. The best to be said of the agreement hammered out on New Year’s eve is that it beat the alternative. While investors still cheered, nobody should mistake this for an economic, fiscal, or financial positive. Ideally Washington would have crafted a deal coupling long-term tax and entitlement reform with short-term stimulus. Instead, we got the opposite. The US now faces significant fiscal drag on an already sluggish recovery.

The drag might have been justified had the agreement actually addressed the long-term fiscal outlook. But it failed to tackle the US tax code’s dysfunction or the sustainability of major entitlement programmes. In abdicating any effort to stabilise the national debt, Washington now risks an eventual loss of international confidence in the US. Short term, it is not even clear that this deal does much to address the deficit. With significant fiscal drag still embedded in the deal, the economy is unlikely to grow as fast as current budget estimates assume. If growth disappoints, as it almost surely will, revenue will be below expectations and deficits above.

The Obama Administration and its synchophants in Congress, in their effort to look constructive while doing nothing, is not fooling the intelligent investor. We are crashing, and the world is getting out while it can.

Thank you for your leadership, President Obama!

The rest of the article is here:
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 01-17-2013, 01:24 AM
then tear your tired, bitching old ass to Haiti
then tear your tired, bitching old ass to Haiti Originally Posted by CJ7
Or Beautiful Downtown Damascus. (I will pay for StupidOldLyingFart's one way airfare!)
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
How will my leaving the country avoid the fiscal collapse that is coming? Oh, yeah, it won't. You are just blindly supporting whatever Obama does, regardless of the reality of the situation. The truth hurts, so you post mindless rants to avoid addressing the issue. That's too bad. We really need more people willing to address reality, but it won't be you two. True victims of Obatamization.
Guest123018-4's Avatar
Yep, while we may be better than Haiti or Damascus it does not mean that we should stop trying to correct the path of destruction that stupid politicians have set us upon in the name of gaining votes.
Generational spending is taxation without representation. I think we fought a revolution over things such as that.
Generational spending is taxation without representation. I think we fought a revolution over things such as that. Originally Posted by The2Dogs
2Pups, after eight years of you blindly agreeing with the "generational spending" of the GW Bush Administration, (that led to the largest economic collapse since the Great Depression) you finally find the need to complain. But rather than complaining about the President whose failed foreign and domestic policies led to the financial collapse, you complain about Dub's successor for not fixin' GW's mess fast enough.

That's rich!
joe bloe's Avatar
2Pups, after eight years of you blindly agreeing with the "generational spending" of the GW Bush Administration, (that led to the largest economic collapse since the Great Depression) you finally find the need to complain. But rather than complaining about the President whose failed foreign and domestic policies led to the financial collapse, you complain about Dub's successor for not fixin' GW's mess fast enough.

That's rich! Originally Posted by bigtex
Obama is not "fixin'" anything. The econony is not recovering. It's amazing you libs can't see reality when it's so plain. We've got to substantially cut federal spending or we're screwed. Obama actually said we don't have a spending problem. The recent fiscal cliff negotiations yeilded a one dollar cut in spending for every forty dollars in tax increases.

Democrats only care about winning the politcal game by hook or by crook. If they can fool fifty one percent of the people into thinking that Obama's game plan makes sense, that's all they care about.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 01-17-2013, 11:16 AM
Haiti may not have high speed internet, so while all you lil frogs live there, nobody around here would be forced to read your inane bullshit ...