
What does it mean to be a "verified" Eccie provider? How should a hobbyist be satisfied that the provider is DDF?
Verified Provider just means that someone has done a cursory check and the lady is probably not a cop on a sting operation.

Verification may be by virtue of a respected provider or a hobbyist.

ECCIE does not warrant much else. Gal may say she is 18 and actually be 45. She may say she is GFE and she may be a real witch with upselling for any and all services. ECCIE does not guarantee you will enjoy yourself. Closest thay come to a guarantee is that on the day she was verified, they were pretty sure she was not a cop.

DDF is for you to decide. Most of us here prefer to participate in many levels of activities, but sexual intercourse is typically done with a condom for protection.

There are many risks to this game we play. You have to decide what level of risks you are willing to accept and participate at that level.

You are free to stick your head under the sand and go along your merry way, thinking that all of the ladies here are tested weekly for STDs, none would ever participate if they were ill, and of course that none use any illicit materials. If you think that is the case, let me tell you about this nice piece of ocean front property I have on the Jersey coast, complete with an underwater roller coaster.

pyramider's Avatar
Jamiejamie should post some taint for taint is verification.
oh, they didnt tell you? You have to see me for free at least twice. If I feel you are worthy, then I will put in a good word for you.
Luke Skywalker's Avatar
oh, they didnt tell you? You have to see me for free at least twice. If I feel you are worthy, then I will put in a good word for you. Originally Posted by yourself

the OP is a male.....
mmcqtx's Avatar
oh, they didnt tell you? You have to see me for free at least twice. If I feel you are worthy, then I will put in a good word for you. Originally Posted by yourself
Maybe that's the way he rolls?:cla pping:
the OP is a male.....
Originally Posted by luiz7667
Oh...that changes things... Luiz will have to take care of you. Bend over..them brazilians are all about the bunda.

but hey: pyramider still wants your taint
the OP is a male.....
Originally Posted by luiz7667
I really thought my response should have been a hint that he was male. But, I guess that tells me all of you guys have me on ignore. No skin off my back.
nah tigercat, your response could go either way.. just like the name "Jamie".. my bad for not checking but that sounded like a question a provider would be asking.