“I always thought it was the Archie Bunkers of the world, the right-wingers of world, who were more resistant and more closed-minded about hearing the other side,” he said. “In fact, what I have learned is, in a very painful way — and I can open this shirt and show you the scars and the knife wounds — is that it is big media institutions who are identifiably more liberal to left-leaning who will shut you down, stab you and kill you, fire you, if they perceive that you are not telling the story in the way that they want it told.”

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joe bloe's Avatar
Sometimes, life long die hard leftists have an epiphnany that the left is morally bankrupt. To some extent that happened to Juan Williams.

Bernard Goldberg had been a liberal CBS News correspondant for many years and had gradually come to the conclusion that the main stream news media was liberally biased. Goldberg wrote an editorial for the New Times expressing his view. Before the editorial was scheduled for publication, Goldberg called Dan Rather to give him a headsup. Rather told Goldberg he didn't have to worry, that the editorial would not effect their friendship. Rather has refused to talk to Goldberg ever since.

David Horowitz was a communist until he was in his forties when he became a Reagan conservative. Horowitz was completely devoted to the left's radical agenda until a friend of his was murdered by the Black Panthers and the radical left covered it up. That was the moment, when Horowitz realized he was on the wrong side, and completely changed his outlook. Horowitz has been a crusader for conservatism for the last twenty five years.
Are there ever any conservatives who leave and move to the left ?

I can't think of one...............
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  • 02-24-2013, 11:52 AM
There is bias in both corners. If you don't believe that, it is because you are biased. Talk radio, dominated by conservatives is biased and that is where you Tea wacks get the majority of your biased news.
joe bloe's Avatar
Are there ever any conservatives who leave and move to the left ?

I can't think of one............... Originally Posted by Whirlaway
Supposedly David Brock and Arianna Huffington went from conservative to liberal. I question that either one was ever a really conservative.

Ed Schultz was a bombastic right wing talk radio host before he became a bombastic voice for the left.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
From the life of Arianna and the actions of Schultz we can see that they were just opportunists and no more. Why else marry a rich, gay man (Arianna and not Ed).

David Mamet was a dedicated liberal as well as the actor Ron Silver until 9/11. They both started to analyze what they stood for and what the country stood for. They both came to the conclusion that their side was not the side of America. We can't forget Dennis Miller either. He became conservative the old fashioned way, he had kids.

Sometimes people still don't learn. A lot of Hollywood types have ran afoul of the left sensitivity and it was always the right that defended their rights to speak their mind. Martha Stewart lost all her friends but Hannity, Limbaugh, Miller, and O'Reilly repeatedly said that she got a bum deal. She forgot about that when she got out.
Doesn't matter the far left and the far right are all assholes.
Guest123018-4's Avatar
Talk radio admits their bias and is just that, talk radio and not the NEWS.
joe bloe's Avatar
Doesn't matter the far left and the far right are all assholes. Originally Posted by i'va biggen
So you admit that Obama is an asshole? There may be hope for you yet.
I agree; the folks at NPR are all assholes.................more reason to de-fund them.

Right I'vaGotNoNuts ?

Doesn't matter the far left and the far right are all assholes. Originally Posted by i'va biggen
So you admit that Obama is an asshole? There may be hope for you yet. Originally Posted by joe bloe
So he admitted that Joe the Bloehard is an asshole. There may be hope for him yet.
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  • 02-25-2013, 08:29 AM
If a biased asshole thinks you're a biased asshole...who gives a fuc.