Appropriate phone question - MSOG?

Questioning specific sex acts is obviously a no-no. What about asking MSOG? Obviously if a lady is reviewed and the information is there, great. She's not which leads me here.

Do most consider that acronym a sex act, and liable to get you in trouble?

Long story short, the first time with a new lady is too quick for me, so no MSOG is a deal-breaker.

I can last longer with start-stop routine, except this is impossible for me with a new lady. The excitement of a new gal is too overwhelming. Good thing about being too horned up is that I can always pop and be ready again soon, then go for a normal session. Able to really go at it, be in the moment with her and enjoy it. But if I can't do MSOG, then it's all effort focusing not to cum, to the point that I just can't enjoy it.

So back to the point guys and providers, asking over the phone if MSOG is allowed - yes or no?
JohnnyYanks's Avatar
I wouldn't discuss anything on the telephone that might be construed as an activity of sexual conduct, whether it is or is not, just because. I'll guess many providers feel likewise.

A nicely worded PM on the other hand seems perfectly reasonable.
pyramider's Avatar
Discussing taint is okay but never any activities. MSOG questions can be answered by doing your research.
What about asking indirectly? Such as 'What are your thoughts on ladies who offer msog?' I think her response to that would be telling enough...
Chung Tran's Avatar
What about asking indirectly? Such as 'What are your thoughts on ladies who offer msog?' I think her response to that would be telling enough... Originally Posted by VegasJen
do not ask this! talk about looking like a setup!

if she's smart, that question would end the discussion.
How could that look like a set up? There is nothing illegal about asking someone's opinion regarding other people's actions. And it gives her a way to answer the question without directly incriminating herself.
atlcomedy's Avatar
"So with the hour I get the full hour, correct? And in the hour we can have as much fun as we possibly can for the full hour?"

Not perfect but seems to work most of the time.
pyramider's Avatar
What about asking indirectly? Such as 'What are your thoughts on ladies who offer msog?' I think her response to that would be telling enough... Originally Posted by VegasJen
How could that look like a set up? There is nothing illegal about asking someone's opinion regarding other people's actions. And it gives her a way to answer the question without directly incriminating herself. Originally Posted by VegasJen

VJen, its just wiser to not discuss any activities with any provider on the phone.
gimme_that's Avatar
I ask after screening. If I can't confirm or she won't reveal due to being overly paranoid, there's always other options closeby.
atlcomedy's Avatar
I ask after screening. If I can't confirm or she won't reveal due to being overly paranoid, there's always other options closeby. Originally Posted by gimme_that
Yeah that's how I play it. Date's set, etc. and real Columbo-like I do the "there's just one more thing...."
dj8rocks's Avatar
Me personally, I have all the questions, details, time, place etc already answered thru pm. If I do call her, it will only be on the day of the meeting, mainly to hear what her voice sounds like. Good luck and stay safe. dj8
I always rely on research. If I can't find out if she does or doesn't, then It's my choice to take a chance and see what happens or keep looking. You can always make a post asking how ladies feel about what you're looking for, sometimes a hint from one of the fine ladies on here is all you'll need
I don't really understand why gents ask about specific acts. I usually evade answering or straight up ignore those questions, especially when they're asked before screening. I thought that was one of the points of reviews.
Some ladies don't answer questions over the phone because there are a lot of weirdos and bullshiters who just get off on the conversation. 1 simple question will lead to 10 and no money.

Just post an ISO for msog in your city and see who responds.
pyramider's Avatar
I don't really understand why gents ask about specific acts. I usually evade answering or straight up ignore those questions, especially when they're asked before screening. I thought that was one of the points of reviews. Originally Posted by Lena Duvall

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