Prosecutor memo to Judiciary Committee...

She feel case would most like never win if court much less in front of Senate committee.
Jake Tapper concurs!!
bambino's Avatar
Yeah, that’s pretty much it. The FBI won’t find any evidence or corroberation either.
rexdutchman's Avatar
Never Dumper social justice warrior with NOTHING, Just more obstruction by DIFI
Of course, it will mean nothing.
The Dems will just come up with something else.

Remember. The facts are not relavent. In the new "bizarro world" of criminal justice, the accusation is the only thing that matters.
The best those opposed can hope for is that one of the people who back up BK’s claim that he never blackout out or was out of control, will not swear to that under oath. I don’t think that would rise to penalty of perjury for BK, because it’s pretty subjective as to whether he thought he was out of control or belligerent, which he probably honestly doesn’t remember because he was blacked out.
TheDaliLama's Avatar
1. Ford has not offered a consistent account of when the alleged assault happened

Mitchell explained that initially Ford said the assault occurred in the “mid-1980s,” but later changed the date to the “early 80s.” But when she met with the polygraph administrator, Ford crossed out the word “early” for unknown reasons.

Ford has also described the incident occurring in the “summer of 1982” and her “late teens” — despite claiming it happened when she was 15.

“While it is common for victims to be uncertain about dates, Dr. Ford failed to explain how she was suddenly able to narrow the time frame to a particular season and particular year,” Mitchell said.

2. Ford has struggled to identify Judge Kavanaugh as the assailant by name

Mitchell explained Ford neither identified Kavanaugh by name during marriage counseling in 2012 or individual counseling in 2013. Ford’s husband claims she identified Kavanaugh in 2012, but Mitchell noted that Kavanaugh’s name was widely circulated as a potential Supreme Court pick should then-Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney have won the presidency.

“In any event, it took Dr. Ford over thirty years to name her assailant,” Mitchell wrote. “Delayed disclosure of abuse is common so this is not dispositive.”

3. When speaking with her husband, Ford changed her description of the incident to become less specific

According to Mitchell, Ford told her husband before they married that she had been the victim of a “sexual assault,” but told the Washington Post that she told her husband she was a victim of “physical abuse.”

“She testified that, both times, she was referring to the same incident,” Mitchell said.

4. Ford has no memory of key details of the night in question — details that could help corroborate her account

Mitchell explained:

Ford does not remember who invited her to the “party, how she heard about it, or how she got there”
Ford does not remember whose house the assault occurred or where the house is located with any specificity
Ford remembers very specific details about that night that are unrelated to the assault, such as how many beers she consumed and whether or not she was on medication
Perhaps the most significant hole in Ford’s memory, Mitchell said, is the fact that Ford does not remember how she returned home from the party.

Factually speaking, the location of the party that Ford identified to the Washington Post is a 20-minute drive from her childhood home. And it was only during her testimony last week that she agreed for the first time that someone had driven her somewhere that night. Ford remembers locking herself in a bathroom after the alleged assault, but cannot identify who drove her home.

Significantly, no one has come forward to identify themselves as the driver.

“Given that this all took place before cellphones, arranging a ride home would not have been easy. Indeed, she stated that she ran out of the house after coming downstairs and did not state that she made a phone call from the house before she did, or that she called anyone else thereafter,” Mitchell said.

5. Ford’s account of the alleged assault has not been corroborated by anyone she identified as having attended — including her lifelong friend

As widely reported, Mitchell explained that each individual Ford identified as having been at the party has submitted sworn statements — under penalty of felony — that they do not remember the party and cannot recall or corroborate any detail that Ford alleges.

6. Ford has not offered a consistent account of the alleged assault

Ford claimed in her letter to Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.) that she heard Kavanaugh and Mark Judge talking downstairs while hiding in a bathroom after the assault. But she testified that she could not hear anyone, and only “assumed” people were talking.

Meanwhile, Ford’s therapist’s notes show that she said there were four boys in the bedroom when she was assaulted. However, she told the Washington Post it was only two, and blamed the error on her therapist. Also, in Ford’s letter to Feinstein she said there were “me and 4 others” at the party. However, in her testimony, she said there were “four boys” at the party in addition to herself and Leland Keyser, her female friend.

Additionally, “Dr. Ford listed Patrick ‘PJ’ Smyth as a ‘bystander’ in her statement to the polygrapher and in her July 6 text to the Washington Post, although she testified that it was inaccurate to call him a bystander. She did not list Leland Keyser even though they are good friends. Leland Keyser’s presence should have been more memorable than PJ Smyth’s,” Mitchell said.

7. Ford has struggled to recall important recent events relating to her allegations, and her testimony regarding recent events raises further questions about her memory

Mitchell explained that Ford is unable to accurately remember her interactions with the Washington Post, such as what she told reporters or whether or not she provided them with a copy of her therapist’s notes.

Also of significance is Ford’s claim that she wished to remain confidential since she submitted her assault allegations to a person operating the Washington Post’s tip line. She testified that she did this due to a “sense of urgency,” claiming she did not know how to contact the Senate Judiciary Committee. However, she was unable to explain how she knew to contact the offices of Feinstein and Rep. Anna Eshoo (D-Calif.).

Also, Ford cannot recall if she was recorded, via audio or video, during the administration of her polygraph, nor can she remember if the polygraph was administered on the same day as her grandmother’s funeral or the day after.

“It would also have been inappropriate to administer a polygraph to someone who was grieving,” Mitchell said.

8. Ford’s description of the psychological impact of the event raises questions

Ford testified that she suffers from anxiety, PTSD, and claustrophobia, which explains her fear of flying. However, she testified that she has flown many times in the last year, and flies on a regular basis for her hobbies and work.

Meanwhile, Ford testified that the assault affected her academically in college. However, she never claimed it affected her in high school after the assault allegedly occurred.

“It is significant that she used the word ‘contributed’ when she described the psychological impact of the incident to the Washington Post. Use of the word ‘contributed’ rather than ’caused’ suggests that other life events may have contributed to her symptoms. And when questioned on that point, said that she could think of ‘nothing as striking as’ the alleged assault,” Mitchell explained.

Finally, Mitchell said the “activities of congressional Democrats and Dr. Ford’s attorneys likely affected Dr. Ford’s account.”
What the women of this country need is a highly respected, legally trained woman to explain to them the differences between rape, aggravated sexual assault, molestation and sexual harassment.

Women don't know the difference. The media has them convinced that they know the difference but they don't.

The media also thinks there's a legal "sexual misconduct" statute. There isn't but I keep hearing it charged on TV.
What the women of this country need is a highly respected, legally trained woman to explain to them the differences between rape, aggravated sexual assault, molestation and sexual harassment.

Women don't know the difference. The media has them convinced that they know the difference but they don't.

The media also thinks there's a legal "sexual misconduct" statute. There isn't but I keep hearing it charged on TV. Originally Posted by gnadfly
But all men know the difference? Well, that would be impossible since these definitions vary greatly from state to state.

I’ll tell you in a vary general nutshell version though:

Rape or Sexual Assault involves non consensual sexual penetration.

Aggravated Sexual Assault differs by statute, but usually involves bodily harm or another aggravating factor like an incapacitated victim. It can also be dictated by the victim’s age or number of perpetrators.

Molestation is unwanted sexual touching, whether meant for sexual gratification or not. In the legal sense, it usually applies to minors. It can also include non touching inappropriate behavior like exposing the child to graphic sexual acts, photographing them in a sexual manner, etc.

Sexual Harassment is unwanted sexual attention or advances made toward the victim. It also includes doing something that creates a hostile work environment, like posting pornographic images at an office or telling sexually explicit jokes.
Although "it varies from state to state" there's a lot of commonality among the first three.

If you read my FB page and comments in various discussion forums, women don't know. They don't know that "sexual harassment" is generally not a criminal charge. They think they can sue a company for millions or get someone fired for telling a single "blue" joke. Women want to charge men with "sexual misconduct" as a criminal offense when in reality they are being lied to by the media.

Men don't have to worry about most of the definitions until they are accused. Again, I'm surprised by the amount of times BK is being accused of something and the word "alleged" isn't used.
What the women of this country need is a highly respected, legally trained woman to explain to them the differences between rape, aggravated sexual assault, molestation and sexual harassment.

Women don't know the difference. The media has them convinced that they know the difference but they don't.

The media also thinks there's a legal "sexual misconduct" statute. There isn't but I keep hearing it charged on TV. Originally Posted by gnadfly

Hell, I Don't know the difference between those 4..
^^^^ I 100% agree. The word alleged not being used is completely inappropriate.

Are you asking to be my FB friend?
Hell, I Don't know the difference between those 4.. Originally Posted by garhkal
Exactly. It is not a man v woman debate. No one knows and the media lumps them all together, inappropriately.
It's the women are asserting the charges to the police, not the men. Women go into HR all the time complaining about sexual harassment, hardly ever men.

In the Ford/Kavanaugh incident there was a lot of FB speculation by women that he raped her. I tried to explain that the incident (based on the letter) couldn't even get a Aggravated Sexual Assault charge and why. Many women didn't even want to listen. They just wanted to share "THEIR STORY" about how at some time some man made her feel "uncomfortable." And they'll never forget it. When pressed for details there was little or no sexual/physical contact made. They were just scared teenage girls. Some of their jumps in logic are mind blowing: "if you support Kavanaugh then when your teenage daughter is sexually abused she'll never come to you"

It really makes me wonder how there are so many teenage pregnancies.
It's the women are asserting the charges to the police, not the men. Women go into HR all the time complaining about sexual harassment, hardly ever men.
. Originally Posted by gnadfly

Just like its rare to hear a guy claim he got raped. TOO OFTEN HR/the cops laugh at him.
rexdutchman's Avatar
ITS the Russians AGAIN ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,