Should Christine Blasey Ford Be Investigated For Perjury?

There are some serious doubts concerning her story.

She has lied under oath, the least of which she was scared of flying. The more serious that she denied coaching people how to beat a polygraph.

The real question is can a woman falsely accuse a man of rape or some other sexual assault with no fear what so ever of any legal jepordy. It seems in today's legal climate, she can.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
she should be!
bambino's Avatar
Yes, and sued for defamation.
winn dixie's Avatar
I cannot fathom anyone who thinks this woman is telling the truth. She should be made an example of and sentenced to the maximum plus..
I think it was someone else who touched her swimsuit on the bed, and she has mixed up who is who. I would say she needs to admit she doesn't have a fear of flying, too.

The coaching for the polygraph is a legitimate function since they are inadmissible and can be beat. The whole damn machine should be obliterated like an old white male liberal.
I think it was someone else who touched her swimsuit on the bed, and she has mixed up who is who. I would say she needs to admit she doesn't have a fear of flying, too.

The coaching for the polygraph is a legitimate function since they are inadmissible and can be beat. The whole damn machine should be obliterated like an old white male liberal.
winn dixie's Avatar
I think it was someone else who touched her swimsuit on the bed, and she has mixed up who is who. I would say she needs to admit she doesn't have a fear of flying, too.

The coaching for the polygraph is a legitimate function since they are inadmissible and can be beat. The whole damn machine should be obliterated like an old white male liberal. Originally Posted by friendly fred
Old white male liberal= Yellow dog dimretard=Extinct
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Not extinct.
There are some serious doubts concerning her story.

She has lied under oath, the least of which she was scared of flying. The more serious that she denied coaching people how to beat a polygraph.

The real question is can a woman falsely accuse a man of rape or some other sexual assault with no fear what so ever of any legal jepordy. It seems in today's legal climate, she can. Originally Posted by Jackie S

Both her and avanti should be done for perjury/making false claims. BUT i doubt we have a single person in the Dept of justice with the BALLS to charge them.

I cannot fathom anyone who thinks this woman is telling the truth. She should be made an example of and sentenced to the maximum plus.. Originally Posted by winn dixie

Roughly 4 yrs ago, i remember listening to a lawyer/teacher online, who feels those who perjure/make false claims, should suffer EXACTLY THE Same amount of time in jail, as the person they were faking their accusation against, would have IF the claims had been real.

The coaching for the polygraph is a legitimate function since they are inadmissible and can be beat. The whole damn machine should be obliterated like an old white male liberal. Originally Posted by friendly fred

Coaching maybe a legit function, but it FLIES In the face of her statement to congress, when she was asked about her polygraph.
winn dixie's Avatar
Roughly 4 yrs ago, i remember listening to a lawyer/teacher online, who feels those who perjure/make false claims, should suffer EXACTLY THE Same amount of time in jail, as the person they were faking their accusation against, would have IF the claims had been real. Originally Posted by garhkal
Agree, this is a good idea........
Stating she is scared of flying is a subjective/opinion statement. She would have to emphatically state she does not or has not flown, when in fact she does. I’m speaking from a legal basis. It’s obviously misleading but doesn’t rise to perjury. Neither does her bullshit claustrophobia claim. Technically, lots of people have these fears and deal with them, medicate, but then go through stressful times that make them unbearable.

I won’t bore you with the details but I have a debilitating phobia...sometimes I can deal with it easily, sometimes it literally has sent me to the hospital.

That said, a perjury charge could arise from her statement she never coached anyone about a polygraph. However, if she claims she simply doesn’t remember discussing it with her roommate years before, she will likely not be convicted. If she tries to parse words and say that she remembers the conversation but didn’t consider it coaching, per se, then I think it’s a 50/50 chance of guilty. Now if something surfaces that shows clear intent to mislead on her part, that’s a game changer.

Overall, all of these little pieces lead to one two possibilities, either she’s a liar or she has an unreliable memory. Both make her a poor witness against anyone, much less someone nominated for the highest court in the land.
winn dixie's Avatar
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ BBB
Stating she is scared of flying is a subjective/opinion statement. She would have to emphatically state she does not or has not flown, when in fact she does. I’m speaking from a legal basis. It’s obviously misleading but doesn’t rise to perjury. Neither does her bullshit claustrophobia claim. Technically, lots of people have these fears and deal with them, medicate, but then go through stressful times that make them unbearable.

I won’t bore you with the details but I have a debilitating phobia...sometimes I can deal with it easily, sometimes it literally has sent me to the hospital.

That said, a perjury charge could arise from her statement she never coached anyone about a polygraph. However, if she claims she simply doesn’t remember discussing it with her roommate years before, she will likely not be convicted. If she tries to parse words and say that she remembers the conversation but didn’t consider it coaching, per se, then I think it’s a 50/50 chance of guilty. Now if something surfaces that shows clear intent to mislead on her part, that’s a game changer.

Overall, all of these little pieces lead to one two possibilities, either she’s a liar or she has an unreliable memory. Both make her a poor witness against anyone, much less someone nominated for the highest court in the land. Originally Posted by B Three
Amen to that!
Stating she is scared of flying is a subjective/opinion statement. She would have to emphatically state she does not or has not flown, when in fact she does. I’m speaking from a legal basis. It’s obviously misleading but doesn’t rise to perjury. Neither does her bullshit claustrophobia claim. Technically, lots of people have these fears and deal with them, medicate, but then go through stressful times that make them unbearable.

I won’t bore you with the details but I have a debilitating phobia...sometimes I can deal with it easily, sometimes it literally has sent me to the hospital.

That said, a perjury charge could arise from her statement she never coached anyone about a polygraph. However, if she claims she simply doesn’t remember discussing it with her roommate years before, she will likely not be convicted. If she tries to parse words and say that she remembers the conversation but didn’t consider it coaching, per se, then I think it’s a 50/50 chance of guilty. Now if something surfaces that shows clear intent to mislead on her part, that’s a game changer.

Overall, all of these little pieces lead to one two possibilities, either she’s a liar or she has an unreliable memory. Both make her a poor witness against anyone, much less someone nominated for the highest court in the land. Originally Posted by B Three
The reality is she openly accused a man of the most aggregous crime one can amagine short of taking ones life.

She non chalantly looked into the eyes of the American People and told lie after lie, acting as if she could do this with no fear of reprisal or criminal jepordy.

I think she is lying. This story was concocted in the bowels of the DNC and the Main Steam Meadia. Their plan was to make the accusation with the full hope that Kavanaugh would simply withdraw his name, and she would never be put in the position of legal liability.

But he didn't fold. He came out swinging, exposing the entire charade for what it is.

In a way, he took a page from President Trump's playbook. When your enemies attack, hit back with everything you have.never compitulate. Never let up.

Especially if you are innocent.
Not extinct. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
For the good of a once great country, old white male liberals need to die off as soon as possible. Preferably, in constant pain and agony, consumed with guilt over promoting scam causes like Dr. Ford and her false memory.

Extinction of the old white male liberal would be a blessing to us all.