Faith vs Science

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  • 02-16-2014, 03:26 PM

Jamie Coots, a star of the National Geographic TV reality series "Snake Salvation," died Saturday after being bitten by a snake and refusing medical treatment.
Coots was one of two pastors from a Pentacostal church in Middleboro Ky. featured on the show about snake handling at a sect of Christian churches in Kentucky, Alabama, West Virginia and Tennessee, where worshippers believe faith will protect them from the venom of poisonous snakes
Muslim snake?
Muslim snake? Originally Posted by i'va biggen
Ha.......good 1.
Muslim snake? Originally Posted by i'va biggen
Obama bit him?
He'd been bitten by rattlesnakes twice before and survived.

Third times the charm.
JCM800's Avatar
I wonder if that church will try to blame it on a lack of faith?
bojulay's Avatar
Their belief is based on the last words in the Gospel
of Mark, they shall take up snakes and drink poison
and it shall not hurt them etc.

Too bad they weren't informed that part of Mark's Gospel
was added at some later date and is not found in the
oldest text, it is probably a Gnostic addition added on
or someone added it to try and kill off a few Christians.

It was left in the King James translation because at the time
the older text was not known, and subsequent translations
have left it in, dumb ass x2

Faith vs Science, more like being a dumb ass can get you killed.

Fundamentalism is the bane of Christianity.
The Bible says "blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the Earth.

I don't think it said anything about the stupid.
First off faith isn't based on magic. So if you encounter a poisonous snake the only faith you should have is that if you fuck with it, you'll get bit. The getting bit part is based on science cause that's what snakes do if you fuck around with them. The living through the encounter is basically luck.

JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Never read into that closely but I think they were talking about faith in god or maybe your fellow man. Still this is just more troll bait. No answers.
Guest123018-4's Avatar
Stupidity has nothing to do with faith.
It is unfortunate that some people confuse the two.
Stupidity has nothing to do with faith.
It is unfortunate that some people confuse the two. Originally Posted by The2Dogs

I disagree. Stupidity and religion go hand in hand.
I have been surprised no one yet has brought up if he was a liberal or conservative yet.
A deeply religious man was trapped in the rising water of a hurricane.
The Sherifs Department sent a boat by to get him, he refused, saying God would save him.

A while later, as the water had forced him onto his roof top, a helicopter hovered overhead, offering him a way out. He yelled up, "no, God will save me".

The water kept rising, the man drowned. When arriving at the "pearly gates", St Peter looked at the man and said, "so, your the idiot that the Boss sent a boat and a helicopter to rescue".
Never read into that closely but I think they were talking about faith in god or maybe your fellow man. Still this is just more troll bait. No answers. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
I would have faith in two things God first then yourself. Having faith in your fellow man not so much.
