President Barack Obama issued a stern warning to the Ukrainian government Wednesday, urging officials not to use violence against the peaceful protestors who have been entrenched in the center of Kiev for three months.
“There will be consequences if people step over the line,” the president said shortly after landing in Mexico for a summit with the leaders of Mexico and Canada. “And that includes making sure that the Ukrainian military does not step into what should be a set of issues that can be resolved by civilians.”

No one believed him, least of all Russian President Vladimir Putin, who saw through Obama's "red line" on chemical weapons in Syria, most of which remain in regime hands after a Russian-brokered agreement. On Thursday, the fragile Ukrainian truce was broken and 22 died in new clashes.

What a joke of a president...........everyday he manages to embarrass us.

Since Obama issued his empty threat of consequences for crossing "the line"; the Ukrainian opposition is claiming 100s have been killed in the streets............

And Obama's response ?
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
Putin and Obama should just settle things man to man - knives, judo, whatever...
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 02-20-2014, 04:36 PM
either one of you two brilliant cocksuckers care to inform the audience exactly who gave Obama the power to stop the Ukraine shit?
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
CBJ7. Obama is the one interjecting himself into the conflict. He is the one issuing threats he doesn't intend to follow through on. That's the embarrassing part. He could, and should, have said, "This is for the Ukrainians to resolve. We hope it will end peacefully." But no, he has to stick his foot in his mouth yet again.

Understand now, CBJ7?
LexusLover's Avatar
CBJ7. Obama is the one interjecting himself into the conflict.

Understand now, CBJ7? Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
No, he doesn't. But his foot is still in his mouth, so it may be a bit before he speaks.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 02-20-2014, 04:51 PM
CBJ7. Obama is the one interjecting himself into the conflict. He is the one issuing threats he doesn't intend to follow through on. That's the embarrassing part. He could, and should, have said, "This is for the Ukrainians to resolve. We hope it will end peacefully." But no, he has to stick his foot in his mouth yet again.

Understand now, CBJ7? Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
so what ?

the US is the spine of the UN, the UN is doing all the asking ... if Obie had said nothing, all the pencil dick rightwingers would be shittin' bricks and fartin' dust right now
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Like you, CBJ7, Obama sounds smarter the less he says.

CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 02-20-2014, 04:59 PM
don't tell me, this is the part where you take your own advice..
I could tell you what the actual "facts" are, but then you would accuse me of supporting Obie. so fuck you right wingers.
Rossboss's Avatar
OBozo. What did we expect.
Talk about no easy answers. Ukrainians, at least some of them, want a more western style democracy, want to align themselves with the EU, and have close ties with the USA.

But, a large number also want to stay aligned with Russia, who is still the 800 pound gorilla in that room.

President Obama got poor advice when he was told to interject "threats" into what is a situation that at best will only antagonize, and encourage those, that see President Obama as nothing more than someone who can talk the talk, but will only stumble and fall when it come time to walk the walk.
Like you, CBJ7, Obama sounds smarter the less he says.

Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Wow, take your own advice asshat.

We'll see what Obama does. It just amazes me that anybody, and especially somebody with your pronounced positions, would advocate that we get involved in this mess. Of course, it's yet another foreign policy mess that allows the libertarians like you to play both sides of the issue. Fucking asshats who never what to have any skin in the game.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Where did you get the idea that I want us involved in this mess? It's a problem for the Ukrainians. Not us. I was just commenting on Obama's ineptitude. He should have kept his mouth shut.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
You notice you can't win with CJ. No matter what we "right wingers" say he will always condemn us for not saying the other thing. He is guilty of what he claims that we are doing. Typical lib.

Obama drew a line in the sand but the club pro told him that he had to rake it out.