Had some time to cool off, realized i've been a dumbass

  • !VI!
  • 11-07-2014, 05:45 PM
For the last year i have waged a war on eccie... all over a few select people (ladies and gents).

After my last ban (for knowing someone posted rude remarks ... not knowing what they wrote lol). I learned i have been letting myself get my skirt in a twist over people who literally effect my life in no way. It did take me a stern talking to and some time with the family.

I did find it strange that some people i saw were trying to follow a trend that got set and i learned... it actually hurt my feelings... ikr didn't see that coming. I love my mini zoo here at my place. So i did find it particularly offensive when someone took a shoot at my dogs.

But thanks to those people i actually was able to talk to people about my hobby and why i actually choose to do it, despite the possible consequences.

So to the many eccie members i may have offended sorry. To the lady who keeps texting me from different numbers lol, text patterns do tell a lot about a person. so i decided to clear some air.

1. funny enough, i do have a pretty big bed in my room. I just enjoy mirrors, it's like watching a live action porn.

2. both of my huskies are close to a year old, and yes their kennel is huge lol, if you have ever seen me you would know you can fit 3 adult humans in there comfortably.

3. my legendary messy apartment is not nearly as bad as people tend to think, there are 3 adults living there all 3 funny enough COSPLAY lol, meaning we make everything by hand so there is alot of obvious art supplies lol. My apartment is literally a shrine to army gear and nerdism.

4. i live at my incall lol, meaning it's not a hotel room with room service and i don't clean up after adults lol. but my room is very tidy. usually filled with electronics, weapons and again nerdy stuff.

5. i do not have the ability to fake it lol, if your personality sucks that don't expect me to be happy and cheery lol. But if i tell you i'm enjoying it lol, stop looking down on yourself hun you are doing great just keep it up.

6. yes i do have a security camera that is remote activated that i rarely ever have to use. so if you are planning something stupid... smile for camera .... but on the other note, i will never record someone i do not feel is a threat lol. It's just common since to cover your bases. A lot of people mention discretion. Honestly if you are having sex with someone most discretion is out window. It's sex... but most people will do anything to save money and that includes taking lives and robbing... so to all ladies without pimps... don't let money blind you from logic. it may save another girl a terrible fate.

finally. 7. Yes, understand eccie is more of a pissing contest for guy and pimps to advertise their girls... but guys you need to realize, on the other side of the computer screen is a human being... a living breathing person, who you are treating how you wish because of her profession/hobby/race/etc. There are things about me only on eccie lol... i learned i've got great reviews on other sites ... (that is answer to some of you guys who keep asking ... why do people see her. People aren't as stupid as you think... they can see false inconsistency.)

i saw on backpage a lot of no AA, no AA under 35. To me it's odd because the only difference is the amount of sun their skin is designed to take. but on the other note... so many young black men are fitting the bill... so guys stop bitching about NBA policy if you yourself are making it worse...

thank you eccie for reading this or not... don't really care.

remember it's just a backpage book club... don't take t so serious.

pyramider's Avatar
Posting taint goes a long way in repentance.
SweaterPuppies's Avatar
Welcome back, I missed your amazing threads

It's a Valium and wine night here, entertain me!
Lol, I got to say, you are good for drama thread every time you post. Even if I was hobbying not sure I would see you, but you are not dull for sure.
Great threAD! Welcome back!
Love honesty!
Phrasing's Avatar
  • EZ.
  • 11-07-2014, 07:18 PM
It sounds like there has been a lot of soul searching. I like the new attitude and people are due a second chance.
ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
#6 gave me the shivers. However, the rest of it was great to read.

Welcome back.

thechocolatebanana's Avatar
An honest apology like this is often less than perfect and a perfect apology likely is one that is not honest. I'll give the Wulf a pat on the back (or fanny) and say she's come a long, long way. Hard to swallow a slice of humble pie this big.
Brass Balls's Avatar
Weapons? That's comforting.
bored@home's Avatar
3, 4, and 6...perfection
Everything else sucks
To be honest and unfiltered, no matter how many eureka revelations you have and share............
Ehh you know what? Not my place, you stay gold pony boy
NTXReggie's Avatar
Took a lot of guts to spill that out there in the same arena that you were ripped to shreds. Kudos!

I have to say that the entertainment value of previous threads will be missed but this is better. Besides, there will always be new craziness joining the party here, so all is not lost on the entertainment front!!! LOL

The security cam is less of a concern than the weapons mentioned...hopefully they are mostly part of the COSPLAY and not stacks of AK47s lying around.

Just a kind suggestion, as part of your new revelations, you might edit some of the text on your showcase..still comes across as a bit snippy...just saying.

Good luck and play safe!
broes's Avatar
  • broes
  • 11-07-2014, 10:30 PM
I'm glad your back. I get a kick out of your posts. Its just a shame that ManSlit is banned during your triumphant return.
Welcome back - count me in the group that enjoys your posts and think your comment about remembering a person is on the end of the other computer is a good reminder for us all.

I too shudder about the camera but I'm not in your shoes and gals entertain a lot of different kinds of people and have to keep themselves safe one way or another.

With all sincerity, hope you're doing well.