Dont see lordbighorn

He is somewhat of a stalker via email
He is new and has zero references or experience
I think he may be LE because of his constant persistence to schedule something asap
When I rejected him he told me to shut the fuck up and stop wasting his time called me a few names and became very angry

Watch out ladies.
I'm sorry that he was a disrespectful shit....At least we know now...& to not make that same mistake. Let's leave those Madmen alone, and move on to Bigger & Better Men.

Put this in Infoshare as well, love.
WOW! I am sorry you had to deal with such awful behavior.
Thank you for the head's up.
Very much appreciated.
Thanks for the info, duly noted and I'm glad your okay. Great alert!
huggerz69's Avatar
Sorry that happened to you!
Not an Alert. Moved to COED.

Being rude, having no references and constantly wanting to see you describes 1/3rd of the client base here.

You should've probably posted this in infoshare.
Kayleehotchick's Avatar
Some men just can't handle rejection.
Bobster36's Avatar
He's probably trying to compensate. Esp if he's LE. Nob
Bobster36's Avatar
He's probably trying to compensate. Esp if he's LE. Nobody gets a badge without a micropenis!
  • Jgirl
  • 11-20-2014, 05:39 PM
I saw him twice, years ago. He became VERY obsessive.. Almost a stalker & I asked him politely, numerous times to leave me alone. He contacted me periodically over the years, I ignored him & he just emailed & pm'd me again today. I asked him (this time not so politely) to never contact me again. He isn't LE, as far as I know but he is crazy with his constant messages, he changes his handle to try & trick ladies into seeing him again & he is annoyingly persistent. Watch out for him ladies, he is missing a few bricks in his wall.