Google Voice WTF?!?!

Okay so this has happened a few times (like maybe four in my entire GV-using life), but has anyone else been on a GV call and then out of nowhere a lady's voice chimes in and says: "This call is now being recorded."

Wtf is that????

Luckily, I have been on with people I know well enough and we end the convo immediately but still, its very irritating and I would hate for that to happen while on the phone with a new client.

If there is anything I need to change in my settings I would love to know. This has happened in mid-sentence when the phone is to my ear so unless there is some voice-activated feature I'm missing I have been unable to locate the source of the problem.

I put this here in coed bc it pertains to conversations on GV which is typically used for hobby communications. Please excuse the error if I posted in the wrong forum.

Thank you in advance for helpful feedback from the members.

TinMan's Avatar

That hasn't happened to me...yet. How long into the conversation before this happens? I was on a call today (first time in probably a month), and at no time in the conversation did I get that kind of notification. I was probably on the phone 5 minutes or so.
I usually only have conversations that last about a min at most (directions and such).

In these instances, I would say at least 5 min. Maybe 10.

Maybe it's GV's way of keeping people off their lines. Lol
Chung Tran's Avatar
I don't use GV, so this is pure speculation..

could it be the other party hit a tab, a button, to instigate the recording process?
I was looking that up because you guys have me curious as well. Haven't called from google voice yet, but one of the help boards stated that if you push or even say "four," (or even simulate the sound "four") it will start recording.
The board stated that if you push four again, it will turn it off.

Don't know if it is the truth or not, but you may want to try it next time and see if it solves the issue.
threepeckeredbillygoat's Avatar
During my divorce I put my ex on speaker and tried to voice record our conversation about her refusing visitations. As soon as I did it my phone started beeping as to let the other end of the line know they were being recorded. Chung might be on to something....
Luke Skywalker's Avatar
I haven't read the thread but I would not recommend gv to anyone. Too many bread crums.

I recommend talkatone.
Wow. That would freak me out, too. Last time I used it, it was a social call but I didn't experience anything like that.
daty/o's Avatar
I haven't read the thread but I would not recommend gv to anyone. Too many bread crums.

I recommend talkatone. Originally Posted by Luke Skywalker
I don't use Google for anything.!slide=2969443
That has happened to me about 4 times where the conversation ends up recording. My cheek tends to hit the screen on my phone and pushes on of the numbers that initiates recording the conversation. Other than that I haven't had any other problems with Google Voice.
ForeignPlaytoy's Avatar
When you press the number 1, is automatically starts recording. Pressing on it with your check or finger will do it. 😞
BLM69's Avatar
  • BLM69
  • 11-18-2014, 11:11 PM
When you press the number 1, is automatically starts recording. Pressing on it with your check or finger will do it. 😞 Originally Posted by Tay
Correct, I know there's a number key you hit to start recording at anytime.
Google (and Apple) are getting too damn invasive...thanks for the info above on how GV records convos. Might take a look at Talkatone.
It's just voices in your head.

That hasn't happened to me...yet. How long into the conversation before this happens? I was on a call today (first time in probably a month), and at no time in the conversation did I get that kind of notification. I was probably on the phone 5 minutes or so. Originally Posted by TinMan
Hi TinMan!